Final Session

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Yuu's eyes opened slowly, cheek pressed against the pale yellow pillows. He watched as a hand reached out for him, fingers softly grazing his cheek, his jaw, his lips. He kissed the kind fingers, smiling a little. "Morning."

"Good morning." Yutaka smiled, hands bringing Yuu's face close to his, kissing him softly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes... I slept alright."

"I'm glad. You didn't seem to be tossing and turning very much last night."

"No, I guess not." Yuu smiled a little.

"I'm glad." He smiled genuinely, lightly kissing Yuu's nose.

Yuu gazed up at him, feeling Yutaka's arms encircle him, holding him tightly. He said nothing, simply letting his eyes fall close. He breathed very softly, waiting, and then feeling Yutaka's lips press against his skin. His lips kissed his shoulder, his throat, and finally his lips. The two kissed slowly, deliberately, Yutaka holding him tighter, rolling on top of him. As they shifted, Yuu felt something hard slide along his thigh. He severed the kiss, saying softly, "Don't you have to go to work?"

Yutaka couldn't stop the sigh that came out. "Yes, but we can keep it quick, can't we?"

Yuu hesitated a little, before nodding. "I suppose."

He smiled big. "I love you." Not waiting for an answer, he inclined his head to resume their kiss.

Yuu lay beneath him, feeling the strong arms around him, the lips against his, as well as the hard thing moving and pressing against his thighs. He closed his eyes once again, breathing very softly.

Yutaka was the name he murmured as his skin was kissed. Yutaka was the name he whimpered as the other pushed him open, pulling him apart. Yutaka was the name he cried as the other moved in him. Yutaka and only Yutaka.

Just Yutaka.


Yuu stepped out of the shower, the smell of grease hanging in the air. Yutaka was making them breakfast. He dried himself off quickly and then dressed himself, pausing before slipping on his shirt, sticking a fat nicotine patch to his arm. The patch in place, he finished dressing and came out of the bathroom.

He went into the kitchen, sitting down at the breakfast bar, thanking Yutaka once a plate filled with food was placed in front of him.

The two ate in silence for a little while, Yuu's fingers curling around his mug of coffee, nails scratching at the painted surface. Then, he spoke. "So... there's a school in the area that's looking for a part time psychiatrist. They don't have the budget to pay for one, so it would be volunteer work, but I thought, maybe I could... you know?"

Yutaka's face brightened up with a pleased smile. "That sounds great, Yuu. You'd get out of the house more and be able to help people again, just like you wanted."

"Yeah..." Yuu smiled a bit. "So it doesn't sound like a bad idea to you? I mean, I do still have the credentials for it."

"No, I think it's a great idea. I also think it's great that you want to delve back into your field, despite that incident." He spoke cheerily, but Yuu went silent, eyes on his coffee. Yutaka's smile faltered a bit, reaching for his hand. "Yuu... it wasn't your fault. He was doing what he does best: using people. Just because you fell victim to him doesn't make you less capable."

"They still haven't found him, have they?"

His expression tensed a little. "No, they haven't."

Yuu nodded. "I can't play the victim card with myself, Yutaka. I knew what I was doing and that it was wrong, but I did it anyways. It's because of my stupidity and carelessness that a dangerous sociopath is free, roaming the streets. Who knows if he's killed anyone else... and it's my fault."

"Yuu, it's not-"

"Please, don't try to dissuade me Yutaka. It's my fault and I need to take responsibility for the mistakes I have made."

"Alright." He nodded, giving in. "I understand."

"Thank you."

"Well... I have to go to work now." Yutaka said after another moment of silence, standing up.

Yuu stood up as well, following him to the front door to see him off. "Have a good day."

"Thank you. And make sure to apply for that, it's a great opportunity."

"I will." He said, Yutaka giving him a chaste kiss on the lips, before leaving the apartment.

Yuu shut the door behind him, fingers reaching for his nicotine patch and scratching at it.


He had hesitated, nervously pacing around his apartment, scratching at the patch, going to the bathroom to stick on a second one, and then back to pacing. But finally, he called the school and had a short interview over the phone. He felt like it had gone well.

Yuu smiled a little, putting down his phone on the counter, muscles loosened and nervousness slowly washing away. He sat on his sofa, reaching for a book, when a knock on the door echoed throughout the apartment.

He stood, walking to the door and opening it. "Hello?" he smiled.

A charming smile met him on the other side of the threshold. "Hello, Aoi."

Yuu froze, fingers on the door frame, knuckles going white.

Kouyou smiled, fingers latching over his. "If you wouldn't mind, I would love to have one final session with you." His charming smile crept into a grin, reaching out for Yuu, taking hold of him, of his throat. "I've returned for you, my beauty."


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