Fifth Session

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The phone rang, Yuu rolling over to gaze at his brightly lit screen. He lay on his stomach, fingers rap tap tapping his pillowcase. "Hello?"

"Yuu? How are you feeling?" Just Yutaka.

"Not the best."

"I thought so... I'm glad you decided to stay home, in that case. Honestly, I still think you should have gone home early yesterday, you didn't look like you were feeling too great."

"Yeah..." Yuu nodded to himself.

"So..." A pause. "If you wanted, when I get off work, I could bring you over some soup or porridge..."

Tapping. "Thank you, Yutaka, but... I think I'd rather just go back to sleep. Get some rest, you know?"

"Oh, yes-! Of course. Rest comes first." Yutaka went quiet for a moment, as if he was attempting to assemble the words in his head before he spoke them out loud. "But... if you need something, you can just shoot me a text and I'll be on my way. Alright?"

Yuu smiled a little. "Alright, thanks."

"Alright... well, rest up."

"I will. Goodbye."


Yuu put his phone down, eyes concentrating on his pillow cases. He gazed at the pale yellow colour, fingers prodding at it. "Damn it..." he breathed, before closing his eyes and burying his face in his pillow. "Damn it."


"Welcome back, Aoi." Kouyou grinned, laying on his loveseat, leg dangling off the edge. "I missed you, you know. Leaving me for three days, I thought you had dropped me as a patient. I was simply inconsolable."

"I apologize for worrying you." Yuu said, suppressing a sigh. "I was simply ill."

"Ill? And what illness were you suffering from? A cold, a flu, that thing called regret?" He mused.

"Regret?" Yuu stiffened.

"Yes. You spoke of consequences and regrets and how you are not someone who follows any whim. Despite all that talk, you chose to sleep with me." He grinned, gazing at Yuu, gaging his reaction. "I was concerned that you regretted your choice and were avoiding me. You may not think it, but I do indeed listen to you." He paused, and then added with a chuckle, "Well, for the most part."

"I do admit that I have regrets." Yuu said after a moment. "I acted irrationally and unprofessionally and I cannot even think why I... I, myself, chose to do something like that."

"That's quite simple, actually. Think, Aoi, of every single patient you have, besides me. Now, would you sleep with any of them?"

"No, of course not!"

Kouyou grinned. "And what is the difference between them and me?"

"The difference?"

"Don't you see? It's because it's me that you did it. It's because I am the exception. You want me, don't you, Aoi? You're attracted to me, aren't you?"

Yuu's face warmed, his fingers fiddling with the mechanical pencil in his hands.

Kouyou seemed quite pleased by Yuu's visible discomfort and grinned as he said, "You don't deny it. You are attracted to me, Aoi."


"It frustrates you, doesn't it? I go against every single one of your ethics and morals. So the fact that you slept with me must absolutely astonish you." He smiled, analyzing his psychiatrist. "Which is why you took those days off, to grovel and regret. My only regret is that during those three days my hands were tied. If they hadn't been I would have killed so much time masturbating to the memory of your orgasmic expression." He smiled a wicked smile, eyeing Yuu.

"Please stop." Yuu murmured, his voice weak and nearly begging.

"Now Aoi, I liked it much better when you were begging me to fuck you."

"Kouyou, stop this-!" He cried, for the first time raising his voice. "It won't happen again, I won't let it happen again!"

"What are you saying, Aoi?" His smile vanished, eyeing him, his expression dangerous.

"You won't have me again, Kouyou. You never will."

"But I want you-!" Kouyou yelled.

"And I want to resign as your psychiatrist-!" Yuu yelled in return.

Kouyou stumbled onto his feet, inclining his head so the two were face to face. "And why is that, Aoi?" he hissed. "Are you tired of me already? Or are you simply afraid of how much you want me?"

Yuu looked away from him, grimacing.

"Admit it. You want me, Aoi, just as bad as I want you. Maybe even more than that."

He lifted his chin to look up at him, his fear overshadowed by his anger.

Kouyou returned that angry stare. "Admit it."

Yuu admitted to it without a single word, he pled guilty to it all in one simple movement; tilting his head upwards and smashing his mouth against Kouyou's. The man was a bit surprised, but took no time in returning the angry kiss.

They kissed for only a few pants, before Kouyou pulled away and grinned, "Stubborn beauty." He moved to bite down on Yuu's shoulders, teeth making jagged scars on his skin.

Yuu whimpered softly at the pain, arms embracing him, fingers tugging at the buckles of Kouyou's straitjacket.

His grin became smug. "But you are my stubborn beauty, aren't you, Aoi?"

Yuu's jagged breaths were his only response.

"You are mine." He smiled, free arms enveloping his body, dark shadows snuffing out the light of the moon. "Mine."


"Kouyou..." A breath, a whine.

"Aoi... my Aoi." A grunt and a twist of hips, nails biting into flesh.

A hitch in breath, thighs holding on for dear life.

"Fuck." A curse and a slam, two sets of hips colliding.

"Kouyou-!" A cry, two sets of arms holding each other tight, limbs knotted together.

Silence beyond panting, and then, finally, a climax and a fall.

"My Aoi."


"Damn it." Aoi cursed quietly, the empty stall his only company, the bathroom door locked tight behind him. He wiped, attempting to get the dried stain off his thighs. Kouyou had had no reason to pull out like that...

He wet the paper towel, rubbing harder at the red skin of his thighs. Just like he had had no reason to sleep with him again.

"Damn it..." He murmured, clutching the paper towel, clawing at his thighs. "Damn it."

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