Chapter 6: Heritage

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I awoke from my deep slumber to the sound of voices outside my bubble. I lazily lifted my head and reached my arms to the caves ceiling, peering at the sharp stalactites just above my head and groaned. How did I get into this mess? Oh yeah... I was dragged into the ocean.

I sat upright and brought my knees to my chest, hugging myself. I looked up, my eyes catching movement at the cave entrance. I gazed nervously into the abyss spread before me, and relaxed my trembling arms as I recognized Aaronarra's immense form sauntering closer. 

"It is time," the beast said in his rumbling voice.

I shivered. It sounded like a line from a horror movie. These next few minutes would change my entire life.

King Erilidar stared at me as Aaronarra began talking about everything he was going to do to me. "You might feel nauseas, tired, and... whoozy."

I wonder if this is actually going to be worth it... "Ok I'm ready," I said in a rush, preventing him from saying any more cons. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to.

"Very well," Aaronarra replied. He sounded a bit disappointed that I didn't sit and listen to his long list of rules. "Close your eyes and relax. You will feel my presence in your mind; do not fight it. Your cooperation is vital in keeping anything from going awry."

Awry? Wonderful. I felt like a child about to get a shot at the doctors.

My shoulders tensed as I closed my eyes and braced myself for some kind of pain, like a slap in the face. But instead I felt a wisp of air, like a breeze, gently ease itself into my consciousness. Just before I could reopen my eyes, a sharp, searing pain tore through me. I screamed as my mind was scrambled like eggs in a frying pan. Frightened and shocked, I shoved the presence away from me with all the force I could muster. A piercing pain pricked my mind, making my head throb as it washed through my head in waves. I felt my body sway and then collapse into someone's waiting arms.


My head rocked gently from side to side and my eyes fluttered open. I sat up in confusion and immediately regretted it as sharp pain surged through my head, like a shrill echo in a silent cave. An unwelcome reminder of what had happened before I lost consciousness. 

Once again, I questioned my sanity. Had the bubble prison and mind reading all been a hectic dream? Or was I really stuck under the Pacific Ocean, mind having just been violated by a "sea dragon"?

My eyes remained squeezed shut, as if opening them would reveal my surroundings and prove that I was officially insane. I leaned my head back against a pillow wearily, not even questioning how or when it had appeared.

"She's awake," a familiar voice hissed from nearby.

"Melody?" Another voice prompted gently.

I frantically searched my mind for the owner's names, but my mind just drew a blank. I closed my eyes as if doing so would help me think. Oh no... Do I have amnesia? No, I can't. I still remember my bubble... And Aaronarra. 

Slowly, I peeled my eyes open and studied the scene above me. Stalactites, as expected. I rose gradually, propping myself up on my arms. As soon as I saw the two faces in front of me, I remembered everything and tilted my head back with an exasperated groan. You have got to be kidding me. "What happened this time?" I asked, surprised at my even tone. I sounded like passing out from a Sea Howler's mental touch was a completely normal occurrence. 

Aaronarra chose to answer me. "During the mind search, you panicked and pushed me out of your consciousness. I underestimated your mental power and... lost footing in your mind before I could console you, forced out. Your mind... it is stronger than any I have ever encountered before."

"How long have I been out?" I asked quietly, rubbing my arms. I hated sitting in a floating bubble like some scared little kid. 

"One week," Aaronarra breathed. He braced himself, surely expecting me to throw a tantrum.

I'm so grounded... "What about my family? They probably called the police days ago!"

Aaronarra glanced away guiltily and refused to meet my gaze. I breathed heavily. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. "What were the results?" I whispered huskily, desperate for answers, no matter how frustratingly unhelpful they may be.

There was a thin silence before Aaronarra's voice lifted my gaze from the floor. "I was given little time to search your mind, but I managed to sift through your earliest memories... Melody... You are the lost princess of Trocien."


How? How is it even possible that there is a secret race of water people that live in my beloved ocean, and I'm their monarch? I can't even figure out how to open my locker! I'm not a leader! And what about my parents? "Hey mom, dad, I just want you to know that I'm queen of a bunch of water people so I'll probably never see you again... bye!" 

I turned to Eriladar, eyes wide with astonishment. I was his daughter... I am his daughter.

"So, if I'm Undine, then how come I can't breather underwater like you can?"

"Because you haven't had your breakthrough yet," Eriladar cut in steadily. "Undines are extremely adaptable species, able to withstand multiple environments despite extreme temperatures, chemical concentration, and oxygen levels. After being forced to live on land for so long, you've adjusted to breathing air. But your instincts still prompted you to return to your natural environment, explaining your need to be near the sea. Until you've had a "breakthrough" and your anatomical makeup has reverted, you will be unable to breathe underwater. Do not fear, Aaronarra can take care of that in a few days; as soon as you're ready."

I don't know if I want him in my mind again...

"Will I turn blue?" I blurted. 

Eriladar chuckled. "Skin color is hereditary."

I looked him up and down with a wary eye. "So... no?"

"No," he repeated.

"I want to do it now," I blurted, despite my doubts. It took me a second to realize that I had actually said it out loud.

"Are you sure?" Aaronarra asked hesitantly. "It could be dangerous for me to reenter you conscious, especially having just woken up from a coma I induced. Your mind may have created a negative image of me, believing me to be a threat and proving a breakthrough even more difficult to trigger."

"It was a minor coma," Eriladar said rolling his eyes. "If the girl feels up to it then why not!"

Aaronarra looked from me to the king uncertainly. "I suppose you have waited long enough to see your true daughter again. If it is your wish, then the procedure shall commence." 


Will Melody's "breakthrough" be successful?
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