♧ Hour 7 ♧

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We sat there for a long time in silence, having nothing to think about, staring at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing ever until Taehyung broke the air.

"Chae-ah" he mumbled.


"Talk to me" it sounded like a plea and I chuckled as my gaze shifted to his face. His tousled hair, head leaning back against the couch, collar of his shirt loose enough to reveal his collarbone, everything about him was beautiful.

"Red hair looks best on you" I said, eyeing him and he sat up straight.

"Oh my god, really?"he gaped at me and I furrowed my eyebrows, "yeah".

"Did you just compliment me? This is the nicest thing you've ever said to me" he laughed and I couldn't help but smile myself.

"This feels great.You should compliment me often. "

"Taehyung, I just said red suits you. Calm down" I shook my head.

"Still. Why didn't you say things like that to me before?" he propped himself on the palm of his hand looking straight at me.

"Well.." I looked up at him and down at my feet, "you never spoke to me before so-"

"I'd speak to you if you got rid of all those books surrounding you in class" he flailed his arms around, as if gliding his hands over an imaginary desk in front of him to emphasise his point as he continued, "and you don't even talk to people much".

Was he being rude or was it just me being overly sensitive? I shrugged,  "sorry, I'm just not very social".

"Tell me something I don't know" he scoffed, "you'd have a boyfriend if you were a little more social. I'm just saying though".

I was surprised to hear that coming from him, but this wasn't the first time someone had treated me like shit. Normally I'd let it pass but now, "Look Tae.. the reason I don't have a boyfriend is because it's a huge waste of time and I got no time to waste. I have better things to do than lick someone's pea sized dick and- " I paused for a second,  "and unlike you, I'd rather have one real friend than have ten who just want to get in my pants".

"That's not what I meant" he reached a hand out and I slapped it away.

"Oh please" I groaned looking away.

"I didn't mean to offend you but- " he began and I was quick to cut him off.

"You suck Tae"

"and you swallow" he retorted.

"What're you? Twelve?"

"Yeah, out of ten"

I was so done with this boy's shit and if murdering someone was legal, I would have killed him seven times today. I stood up to leave but his grip on my wrist stopped me in my tracks. Spinning on my heel to face the boy, "What do you want?" I questioned, trying to yank my arm away from his tight hold.

I struggled to get myself out of his grip until he spoke again, "wait" he stood up fingering the locket that hung onto a thin necklace wrapped around my neck, "is this yours?".

"Don't touch it" I slapped his hand again and he looked up at me, withdrawing a little bit as he licked his lips to wet them.

"yours?" He asked again and I rolled my eyes, "if it's on me, then it's mine" I answered. He gaped at me as if he was in shock but tossed another question at me; "who gave it to you?".


"Who gave it to you Chae?"he sounded desperate so I answered anyway.

"Someone special" I smiled stuffing the pendent back into my shirt as the memory hit me.

The only boy I ever loved, his little hand tucked a small locket into the palm of my hand uttering the words, "this will help you remember me" and yes I remembered him, every memory we shared, everything except his name. No matter how many times I tried to recall it just wouldn't-

"Shit" Taehyung muttered under his breath which knocked me out of my trance. Before I could respond, he pulled me forward and wrapped his arms around my lean form.

"What..what're you doing?" I chocked out as he tightened his grip around me.

My hands were loosely hung until i  pressed it against his chest, trying to distance the boy but he only pulled me closer if that was even possible.

"Please.." he pleaded, his hold surprisingly tight against my waist, one hand firmly pressed me against him while the other fisted the hem of my shirt, "please just let me hold you for a while" he sounded broken.

I was confused, what was he doing. We fought a second ago and now he was holding me flush against his body. Not knowing what to do, I let my hands fall to my sides again as I let him hug me.

His nose brushed against my ear lobe for one second, two seconds he inhaled audibly, three slow seconds he buried his face in my neck and four.. he let me go.

As he pulled away, I could notice that Taehyung's eyes were slightly wet and I was still clueless about what just happened but all I wanted was for him to feel better.

"Better?" I asked, hesitantly stroking his forearm as he held my waist.

He nodded, probably not trusting his voice at the moment but I had never seen Taehyung this vulnerable before; and not knowing what made him break all of a sudden worsened the situation.

"I'll go get some water" he walked away and this time it was me stopping him with a hand around his wrist.

"I'll go get it for you" I smiled.

"Chae-ah, you really don't have to-"

"Shush! Shut up and get your ass back on the couch, I'll be back in less than a minute" I winked making him give me a broken chuckle.


*throws fluffy Taetae at you*
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