♧ Hour 21 ♧

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I sat at my desk in class, glancing at the door every two seconds, waiting for Taehyung to come in.

"Hey! " Hye Jung greeted from a distance as she walked towards me.

She was one of my closest friends in class and we spent most of our time in college  together, as our schedules were the same.

She took her seat beside me as I smiled back at her, using it as an excuse to look over her shoulder once again to see if the boy was here yet.

"You seem distracted " she raised a brow.

" Nah " I shook my head, giving her a crooked smile and hoping I heard her right.

" Where were you bitch ? I've been trying to reach you for four days now" she frowned.

"I.. Um.. I have a lot to tell you actually"

"Tell me, tell me" she scooted a little closer, her shoulder touching mine before she leaned forward on her elbow, resting her cheek on her palm, giving me all her attention.

" I don't wanna beat around the bush-"


"I was stuck in a mall, for a day with-" I paused,  my eyes shifting from her face to the boy standing behind her, "-him"  I finished. Hye Jung lifted herself up, and the boy spoke.

"Hey Jungle, go plant your ass somewhere else. This is my seat now! " his voice an octave deeper than the noise around us.

I wasn't supposed to be surprised, because I thought I was used to him being an ass in general, but oh well; I was taken aback. I'd been so accustomed to his sweet, innocent self over the past few days that I had totally forgotten how he could easily get on my nerves in about point three seconds.

"Dude what? " Hye retorted.

" Was I not loud enough or are you deaf? " Taehyung raised a brow, his eyes fixed on her and not sparing me a glance at all.

" Tae! " I glared at him, lips pursed and eyes narrow, "she's a friend".

"Oh yeah right! " he rolled his eyes, "can you please get lost? I don't have all day" he placed a hand on the desk, leaning forward, eyes leveled with Hye.

Hye Jung swallowed once, twice and thrice before turning to look at me. I placed my hand on hers, "Go sit with Mira for today, I'll handle this asshole".

"Are you sure Chae? " she whispered.

" Yes " I grinned, giving her a wink.

She picked her bag up and the next thing I knew, Taehyung had plopped down beside me, his arm around my shoulder pulling me close.

" Get the fuck off of me Tae! " I pushed him off, making the boy chuckle.

" Sorry" he apologized quietly.

"And stop calling her 'Jungle'! She's one of my closest friends here! " I smacked his thigh.

" Alright, sorry" he checked the surroundings before speaking, "please don't yell at me here. I don't want your ass to ruin my image Chae"  he warned.

I nodded in response trying to suppress the smile that was dying to split across my face.  I wasn't even intimidated anymore. It was almost cute how hard he was trying to be bad around me, while I could see straight through him. Things got even better when he grinned in response, showing all of his whites, a perfect rectanglular smile,  completely in contrast with his black jacket and dark leather pants.

" You free at six in the evening today? " he asked, breaking my line of thought.

" Uh? Yeah" I nodded, clearly knowing where this was going.

"He wants to take you out on a date! " cheered a voice from behind us, making my head turn towards the source of it.

" Shut up, Kookie! " another silky voice spoke, and this one I knew; it was Jimin.

I had no idea why they were seated right behind us. Jungkook was my junior! Who even let him in?

"Sorry" the younger boy apologized, stretching his arm forward to introduce himself, "I'm Jeon Jungkook and this is.. shortie", earning a smack from the latter.

I shook hands with him, "I'm Chae-" 

"Oh yes, we know you! Hyung doesn't shut up about you " Jungkook commented, making Jimin giggle.

I thought it was only Tae that had a cuter side but this-- I wasn't expecting Jungkook of all people, to be this adorable. He was the muscle man of the gang, who'd always be dressed in black and blue, tattoos on his wrist, ear piercings, bikes and hundreds of girls drooling at him while he punched people in the face because they messed with his hyungs and now here he was, making fun of the elder ones, letting out their secrets one after the other, giving me his Oh so adorable bunny smile, I almost wanted to reach out and pinch his cheeks.

"Did he make a move at the mall? " he raised a brow,  that signature brow raise that screamed 'kook!'.

" What? " I gasped.

Before Taehyung could smack Jungkook, Jimin spoke, "It was a piece of cake locking you up in the mall Chae, we never thought you were that easy".

"Wait, what? " my jaw dropped as the boys went on spilling beans.

" It wasn't, God! " Jimin laughed, "does she still think it was an accident?" he asked Taehyung, who only sat next to me, nodding at everything the other two said.

"Listen Chae, " he started, "Tae has been crushing on you since God knows when."

" I know that " I tried to sound a little less lost.

" We were tired of forcing him to make a move" Jimin spoke.

" But he wanted to be 'alone' with you" Jungkook smirked.

" So we locked you guys up" they said together.

"Did you know about this? " I turned to Tae.

" Of course I did" Tae started, "they were the ones to let us out, remember?

"You assholes! " my  voice turned out to be louder than I expected. How could I be so oblivious to all this happening right under my nose?

" Told ya she'd be mad" Kook pointed a finger at Jimin.

The boys got up to leave as the professor entered the class. "We'll see you guys later" they waved bye.

"What the fuck Tae? " I tried my best to be angry but the fact that the boy here went an extra mile to have me locked up in a mall with him, almost scaring the life out of me, only to get to me seemed to be weirdly heartwarming.

" Atleast you know I love you" he shrugged, wrapping an arm around my waist as a few people eyed us while the rest were busy looking ahead at the screen.

"Get your hands off of me Tae" it was awkward with so many people staring at us,and the fact that a few days ago, I was the one on his lap touching him, at the mall made things worse.

"How about no? " he pulled me closer, my shoulder pressed against his chest as he held me close. This was major PDA, and I could do nothing to stop him. More like, I didn't want to stop him.

" I'll pick you up at six tonight, we're going on a proper date"

"How about no? " I raised a brow.

" I don't take no for an answer sweetheart" he kissed my clothed shoulder, and there I was, a melted puddle of butter in his arms.



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