♧ Hour 12 ♧

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The clock kept ticking and Taehyung kept pulling me closer to him. At one point, my back was flush against his chest, his chin placed perfectly on my shoulder, my hands holding his as his arms wrapped around my waist, his legs folded while mine were partly outstretched.

"Do you like stories?" he asked.

I hummed in response, not bothering to look back at him.

"Then tell me one" he pressed his nose against my clothed shoulder.

"Don't wipe your snot on my clothes!" I elbowed him, pushing him a few centimetres away from my body.

He chuckled, grinning like an idiot before forcing me to tell him a story.

I obliged.

"Umm.. ten years ago, there was this eight year old girl who had a really huge crush on one of her classmates" I started.

"Umm hmm" Taehyung hummed from behind me.

"She'd look at him everyday, glancing every now and then, smiling shyly when their eyes met.." I smiled to myself at the memory.

"The boy she liked was incredibly cute though. He had this boxy grin and defined eyes that not many people possessed. Infact, everything about him was perfect." I paused.

Taehyung loosened his hold around my waist and I breathed in.

"The girl on the other hand couldn't wait to meet him! She just wanted to have a little talk and she was sure she'd like him more if she spoke to him and- "

Taehyung's hands fell to his side. I frowned before looking over my shoulder, only to notice the boy sleeping with his mouth agape.

"Did you just fall asleep on me Taehyung?" I questioned. A soft snore left his lips which was a clear answer.

"Tch." I groaned, shifting a little on his lap so that I could look at him better, yet not wanting to get off of him; It felt comfortable.

Taehyung looked super cute when he slept! Like his eyes would be closed shut, head tilted a few degrees back, hair falling onto his forehead and lips parted for small intakes of air.

I hesitantly lifted my hand up to brush a few strands of hair off of his face, to reveal his dark eyebrows. I smiled when he didn't flinch at my touch. Of course he was a deep sleeper.

With my other hand, I traced his jawline. I could cut apples with it, to be honest. Inching my hand up a little, I brushed my thumb against his lips. Staring at his eyes to make sure he wouldn't open them at any cost.

And he didn't. Another snore escaped from him making me giggle softly.

"You adorable little thing!" I mumbled, caressing his cheek.

Why did he have to be so baby-ish? All I wanted to do was wrap him up in a warm blanket and cuddle. I slowly slithered one of my arms around his shoulder and the back of his neck, playing with little strands of hair there.

Why did I even like this boy so much? One second he's an asshole, next second he's being a mochi. I wanted to tell him I liked him but I was just too scared to admit it. I wanted him to hold me and kiss me like he did to other girls before.

I had seen him several times in the hallway, pushing a random girl up against the wall, his hand inside her shirt, his lips on her's.  As much it disgusted me, it also made me wish I was her.

I wanted him to kiss me. Just a simple kiss and it'd mean so much-


He wouldn't know if I kissed him now right? He was deep asleep anyway; on top of which he's snoring and shit so..
I bit my lip, a smirk evident as I leaned in to brush my lips against his. I pulled away to check and he was still in the same position he was, a minute ago.

Getting closer and braver, I licked my lips once before gently pressing them against his. Staying that way for a second, closing my eyes and bathing in the moment before I pulled back an inch, only to close the gap again for one last peck.

I smiled at his motionless form, "if only you knew how much I like you Tae" I shook my head, looking away and ahead at the lake.



Med school is stressful and that's the only excuse I have for updating once in 15 days or so :(
Anyway, what do u think about this chapter? XD

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