♧ Hour 14 ♧

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" I think we should date?" he hesitantly blurted out.

"I don't think so" I shrugged. Pushing him a little and escaping the little cage he had put me in.

"Why not?" Taehyung's voice dropped as he turned to follow me, "you told me you liked me!".

"I did, but not anymore".

"How can your opinion change in four minutes Chae?" he grabbed my wrist to stop me from walking away from him.

"Can it not?" I rose my brow and he furrowed his own.

"No" he said firmly.

I grinned, looking at him straight in his eyes with new found courage.

"What am I supposed to do now?" he asked, pouting, making me want to press my lips against his; shit.

"Umm..make me 'like you' again?" I suggested and his face lit up for a second.

"How do I do that?" He smiled, taking a step closer to me, excitement bubbling in his entire being.

"Are you asking me?" I laughed, pissing him off just a little. Hurting a man's ego is always the best way to get to him.

Taehyung stared at me, probably going through a million ideas in his head on how to get me to like him again. All I wanted was to lean up and kiss him and mumble out an 'yes', but I had to wait. It'd be so much better after this, just a few more hours..

"I need to tell you something" he said finally.

I smiled as I nodded, his hand still holding onto mine.

"This childhood crush you were talking about earlier.." he paused, "that is me" he stated, confidence filling up his dark brown eyes.

I held back a smile and he continued, "I was the one who gave you that locket Chae" he said at once, bringing his free hand up, to trace the chain on the side of my neck.

"I just didn't want to tell you earlier because I didn't know you had a brother and also, it was kinda fun hearing you confess about your amateur crush" he laughed, voice deep yet echoing around the hall, "I really wanted to annoy you so that you'd talk to me".

He looked at me with hopeful eyes and I bit the insides of my cheek before speaking..

"That is it? "

"Yeah" he quickly responded.

"Okay?" I said, almost in a sing song voice.

He rose his brows, expecting me to do something.

"Good try?" I shrugged, "Still don't like you enough."

"Why're you so rude?" his expression was distorted as he held onto his chest.

"You gotta try harder baby" I leaned up to give him a peck against his cheek and before I thought I had him playing right on the palm of my hand, his hand wrapped around my waist pulling me closer, forcing the breath out of my lungs.

"Game on, sweetheart" he spoke against my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

I gulped before pulling away.

"One hour. You've got one hour Taehyung-ssi" I said, sounding unintentionally professional.

"Ne." he laughed, "that's more than enough time to make you kiss me".

"Woah woah, calm down boy" I shook my head, pulling my hand away from his, "make me kiss you?".

He shrugged once, "I already know you like me. You're just acting 'hard to get' and Imma make sure your beautiful ass is right on my lap within the next hour".

The badboy in him was showing terribly, making me want to tackle him to the floor and beat the life out of him, but all I had to do was wait for an hour. I had good control over myself and I was more than sure that I wouldn't kiss his ass no matter how hard he tried. Not. Again.

"I'd like to see you try" I responded.

Taehyung smirked, "be careful who you're playing with, baby girl" he warned.

I stepped forward with the most innocent look I could manage to put on, making Taehyung almost swallow once, twice and thrice as I leaned forward, my lips inches away from his, "sure" I whispered before pulling away.

Had you told me I'd be doing this after spending thirteen hours in the mall with Kim Taehyung of all the people, I would have rolled on the floor, laughed for an hour, given you a potato and asked you to fuck off but now.. well.

The boy stood there as I walked away from him, one step at a time, slow and full of anticipation because I really wanted him to call out to me or do something but he just, stood there and did nothing.


Boi I had exams going on y'all. The number of comments and messages asking me to update oml. Here it is tho ♡ imma spank u lil buns one by one if u ask me to update again tomo.
(Don't worry I won't make u wait forever again ♡)

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