Chapter 17

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I cleared my throat "Hey babe."

"Who are you?" the voice of a girl said rudely.

"Um you called me first!"

"I'm Chris' baby momma!"

Wtf!? Chris has a baby momma?!

"Well I'm Chris girlfriend." I said as calmly as I could.

"The fuck? Chris ain't tell me he had another chick."

"How did you get Chris' phone?"

"Oh don't worry about Chris, he in the bathroom."

"Why are you calling me?"

"I just thought I'd tell you about me and Chris relationship."

"And what's y'all relationship?"

"Obviously lovers and future partners!"

I was boiling at this point, I yelled "You know what where the FUCK is Chris!?"

She laughed "Where he needs to be."

Then the call ended.

China and Jamie sat with confused looks on there faces. Jamie asked "What just happened." I was still mad, so I yelled "Chris' fuckin' baby momma called me!" China still had a confused look "Chris has a baby momma?"


China sat in front of me "Okay just calm down. Breath in and out," she was doing heavy breathing "Did Chris tell you?"

After doing her breathing exercises I shook my my head.

Jamie got up "What the fuck! Why would he let her use his phone? Why is he with her!?"

"She said they're lovers and future partners. And when I asked where he was she said 'Where he needs to be'."

Jamie was panting around "Let's go beat her ass!"

China nodded and started taking her earrings off. It was kind of amusing, but it wasn't the time for laughter. There was one problem with that plan "I don't know where they are."

Jamie was still up "Well tell him to bring her over here!"

I shook my head "I love how you guys are ready to fight for me. But I got to handle this on my own. I don't know how, but I will."

I cracked a smile "So Jamie sit down, and China put your earrings back on."

When they settled down we talked some more and watched some TV.


After the girls left I worked hard to clean the house, since my mom was coming back today. The house wasn't really that dirty. Sometimes I just clean when I'm nervous, mad, sad, or any other emotion you can think of.

I finally got done cleaning all I can clean when I heard the door start to open. I got up panting around, I really should be more mad than nervous!

Chris walked in and came to hug me. He held his arms open. But I shook my head. He dropped his arms "What I do now?"

In a very claim voice I asked "So, when were you planning to tell me you have a kid?"

His eyes got big


He asked "Where'd you hear that?"

"Oh maybe from yo baby momma!"

He was silence.

I continued "Anything you have to say about that?"

He was silence.

I laughed "Of course you don't! Maybe you should look in your recent calls."

Those were my final words before I grabbed my keys and left.

The only I could think of was the park. When I got there, there were little kids running around. I guess I can't think about my problems in a park full of screaming children.

The next place I thought about was the beach. Something inside me told me not to go because Chris might come looking for me. When I snapped out of my thoughts I was already in route to the beach.

I was sitting on the deserted beach by myself.

Was all that stuff she said true? Why didn't he just tell me? Is choosing her over me?

Sitting here wasn't going to get my questions answered. Truthfully this being by myself thing wasn't helping me.

Tearing started rushing down my face. All the stuff I've been through, and this just adds to it.



YES! I had to keep my book interesting, so this is what I came up with. Keep commenting, voting, and following!

~Maddy 😘💕

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