6. Between Black and Grey

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Jane could feel her heart thumping against her chest. She could hear those footsteps reaching the door. She had closed her eyes. She knew that this was her end and almost her days of losing school life. 

Grayson was still smiling; looking like he didn't care at all and he didn't even have a single wrinkle on his forehead. Jane wanted to kick his ass right then, strangling him to death.

As soon as the footsteps disappeared, Jane quickly pushed herself away from Grayson's grip. He was laughing maniacally until his veins became prominent. Jane was still trying to control her temper. She wanted to scream and kill this guy who didn't seem to care about what just happened. 

"Are you crazy? You're sick! You pig!" she grabbed his collar, trying to seem somewhat intimidating but only sighed and released her tight grip when she failed to see even a slight change of expression on Grayson's face.

"Come on tell me! Wasn't it fun?" he asked brushing his thick hair. He looked at her shrugging waiting for her reply.

 Even if you're having fun and it's the best day in your life, but it's with someone you can't even bear for a second, your so-called ego will definitely keep rejecting the fact that you had fun. The same problem was with Jane, she had had the most exciting moment in her life but why would she admit it? She hated Grayson.

"Whatever! I don't want to be kicked out of this school! Do you understand? Take me out of here!" she demanded to Grayson who was now biting his nails. Jane rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay!" he shrugged. He asked her to follow her silently. There was complete silence in the hallway. Grayson and Jane walked on their toes. Luckily nobody noticed them and they were able to reach back to their classroom. Jane breathed heavily leaning her hands on her chest. Grayson sat on the table in their classroom. Grayson took out his water bottle and gulped. He was constantly swinging his legs in the air.

"Want some?" he offered her his water bottle. Jane looked at him and then said,

"No! Thanks!" she replied. She packed her bag, trying to ignore his presence. Their teacher came running to the classroom.

"Jane and Grayson! Did you guys know what happened a few minutes ago?" she asked looking at both. Grayson, as usual, showed no sign of being worried or even give such impression. As for Jane, she was constantly rubbing her hands, sweating while she tried acting to seem somewhat normal.

"We don't," they both said. She raised her eyebrows but she trusted them.

"Okay. There was a loud sound, of a breaking window. Someone threw a ball at my class and ran. We don't know who did this but I guess they were guys playing baseball. Also, you guys can leave now," she told them fixing her glasses. Jane thanked God in her heart and now she was checking her texts. 

More than 150 messages from Lance, saying 'Where are you?'

Jane, after replying to his texts turned back to search for Grayson but he was nowhere to be found. She looked around and searched for this insane guy but he seemed to disappear. She ran downstairs but he wasn't there anymore. She tried to look for him after walking out of her school gate but he wasn't there. 

'What is he? He has made my life miserable!' she talked to herself walking on the street. She took a taxi to reach home quickly so that she could feed her pets as soon as I can. 


Grayson and Lance were standing at her home gate as she got closer. She looked at both of them then she gave a glance to Grayson who was playing with bushes. Lance didn't look happy either. She walked to Lance but he seemed annoyed. He grabbed her arms taking her to a corner.

"What the hell is going on?! Why the hell is he here?" he asked looking at him hiding his face. 

Still, the socially awkward ' Lance' hating to meet new people; Jane thought to herself.

"I'll explain! Tell me, did you talk to him?" she asked looking at Grayson who was now staring at them.

"No! I can't. He is so creepy," he told her.

"Just bear it," she told him and turned to Grayson.

"Lance this Grayson; sick and a psychopath. Grayson, Lance; socially awkward person," she insulted them rather than giving them an introduction. They shook hands but Grayson pressed Lance's hand tightly until he pulled it back with an 'are you crazy?' look on his face.

 Jane unlocked the door, stepping inside she ran to her little farm-house giving all her pets food. She picked up the dog that was injured by Grayson but was definitely better than before. She brushed his hair and slowly rubbed him, giggling when he licked her face. Lance sat down on the dirty couch, while Grayson was playing with a wire on the corner.

"So guys, you can leave," she told them after a long pause. 

"I want to talk to you privately!" Lance said giving a look at Grayson. Grayson walked to her rubbing the little dog and then after throwing something out of his mouth he said,

"I thought you needed help," he said to her curiously. 

"No, but thanks. You can leave, I already got help from you today!" she said sarcastically smirking.

"I knew it! It was so fun seeing glass shattering into pieces. It made me feel so good! It was a perfect revenge!" he shook his head.

"Yeah, it was." Jane rolled her eyes. This guy always did something unexpected and he scared the hell out of Jane. She was admitting that she was scared of him but he was really different.

She actually almost loved the thrill of doing something and then escaping.

"You can go now," she asked him again but he was looking at a frame hanging on her wall; a picture of an island.

"Okay, but didn't you hang this picture on the other side of the wall?" he looked curious. Jane's eyes were opened wide. 

How the hell did he know that even though he had only been to her house one or twice?

"I changed it," she replied still in shock.

"Okay then," he smirked and looked back at Lance who was watching T.V before leaving her house or Smiley's haunted house, as he called it.

He was wondering why she was always alone. Did it mean she didn't live with her parents? He pondered over it but then shrugged.

Just walking, a layer of pain ran through his body. The pain was unbearable. He couldn't bear it but somehow he managed to hold himself against a pillar. He grabbed his arm but was unable to move. His phone was ringing constantly but he couldn't move his hands. His body was almost numb, about to faint.


"Now! Tell me! This guy is hell creepy! Don't be near him! Didn't you see how crazy he is!" Lance was being her typical over protective friend.

It wasn't often that Lance got mad, but he seemed to lose all of his calm when something happened to Jane.

"Calm down! I know but I asked him to help me with this dog but at that time I didn't know that he was so sick!" she tried to explain.

"I don't like him! He is going to hurt you!" Lance yelled.

"Lance! I know but there is something more I can do about him," she sat down next to Lance. He looked at her seeing her expression. "He is a genius; he scores A+ in every test. Maybe he can help me?" she told Lance. He immediately stood up in anger.

"What? Are you going to ask him to help you? Are you crazy? He is not reliable!" Lance groaned, his fists at his sides, trying to contain his anger.

"I know but I have no choice! I need someone to tutor me! He'll do it if I'll tell him that in return he will be forgiven for what he did to the dog," She explained and turned to look at Lance, who didn't look very happy with her decision.

'I know this is risky but life without taking a risk is a life without a color' she told herself, but wasn't sure if she was particularly ready to take the risk as she took a quick glance at Lance's worried face.

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