Kat's POV
I was still watching Brandon and he kissed that girl
And that's when half of my world fell apart and also I bumped into a pole "OW" I screamed " omg Kat are you alright" Jacob said " yea I just wasn't paying attention" I said "well be careful" he said " hey I'm going back to the hotel" I said "ok baby be safe" he said. I arrived at the hotel and just went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and all ready saw a bruise coming /great/ I decided to go on snapchat I took a few pics then went on Jacobs snapchat OMFG HES WITH THAT FREAKING FAN GIRL I am literally going to kill him he said he won't hang out with. I was really tired from all the BULLSHIT that has happened I took a shower and went to bed.
I woke up and I was in Jacobs arms I was mad at him so I got up and went to the bathroom to change and do the usual (👆🏻pic above )
I came out of the bathroom and Jacob was up "hey we're are you going" he said I wanted to go out with Brandon so I said " I'm hanging out with Brando" I said " ok babe" he said I gave him a peck on the lips and left. I got to Brandon's room and heard a girls voice I knocked and some girl opened it "who are you" she asked kinda rude "Brandon's side hoe who do you think I am" I said laughing "omg what"she screamed " I was kidding I'm his best friend" I said "ha your funny" she said sarcastically I just rolled my eyes and walked in I really don't like her "hey Brando wanna hang" I said "sorry but I'm hanging out with Lexi today he said "oh ok" I said and walked out. This is Lexi by the way 👇🏻

I went in the hallway and texted Hunter

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I went in the hallway and texted Hunter

Kattt❤️😺- hey can we hang out I need to talk to u

Huntaa🤘🔥- sure  talk about wha 🙂

Kattt❤️😺- things.........Brandon 😞

Huntaa🤘🔥- I'm comin meet me at Starbucks in 15
End of text
I was out the door and on my way to Starbucks and I saw a picture of Brandon an that Lexi girl kissing I got kinda sad. I arrived at Starbucks and got a caramel ice coffee and I saw Hunter so I walked up to him "hey" I said " hey ok let's talk" he said               " Brandon didn't want to hang out with me today he wanted to hang out with Lexi and we always hang I would even ditch Jacob to hang because he's my best friend but I guess Lexi is more important" I said with a tear in my eye " Kat don't say that it's not true and don't cry please"he said " I really don't like that Lexi girl I think she's using him for fame and she's rude she was rude to me today" I said " oh no Kat what did you say" he said he knows me so well " she asked me who I was but it was rude how she said it and I told her I was Brandon's side hoe and she went crazy but I said I was kidding I was his friend she can't take a joke."I said  "Kat ur something else" he said. We stayed at Starbucks for 30 more minutes and then left I wanted to stay with Jacob and hang with him. I got to the hotel and just watch Netflix with Jacob. Then there was a knock at the door and Brandon was there " I'm sorry Kat Hunter told me what you said and that's not true you mean a lot to me" he said " thanks Brando" I said he left and I just kept watching Netflix with Jacob.
Word count-659

Hey I hope you liked this chapter.love you my 🙌🏻ANGELS🙌🏻

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