あなたと同じパスに - On The Same Path As You

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Tsuki was amazed as Shiori opened the door to their beautiful and fine apartment they'd be staying at for the next 2 weeks. Kaito had dropped them off at the hotel because he had a meeting coming up soon. Everything in the apartment looked so luxurious and tidy. The girls took some time to stand at the balcony and admire the fantastic view. Tsuki stood there, smiling with thankfulness. 'Your cappuccino.' Shiori said, handing her friend a cappuccino. 'You know, Kaito can be very sensitive about matters like what happened before. He is a very truthful person and doesn't like those who lie to him. Always making small matters a big deal is his specialty.' Tsuki kept herself silent, not wanting to talk about it. All she did was admire the view as she did. Shiori sighed. 'Tsuki, sooner or later, you'll get used to his temper.'

'The way you talk sounds like I'm getting married to him.' Tsuki teased with a straight face. This was one of those "serious" jokes she mostly used. Shiori giggled slightly. 'Come on, I don't like my friend being so serious. On every birthday, the birthday girl has to smile.' According to what she said, Tsuki replied with a sweet and tender smile. 'I'm... going to go unpack.' Shiori refused to that, standing in the way. She protested. 'No, no! I'll go unpack for you and in the meantime, you can enjoy that cappuccino of yours, alright?' Tsuki nodded. She was very grateful to have a friend as amazing as Shiori. After a short while, the girls drove off to Mitsui Shopping Park, LaLaport (Tokyo-Bay). Tsuki wore a dark brown short-sleeve dress with white mini polka dots added to the design and length above her knees along with a golden belt around her hips and grey, satin heels. Shiori wore a light brown chiffon dress with short sleeves and length above her knees. They went to Forever 21, Sazaby and other stores. After 2 hours of walking around and exploring the place, the two decided to take a break at Hoshi Coffee Shop.

As they took their seats, Tsuki looked around the coffee shop. That name; Hoshi... it seems so familiar. A thought came into her head. I just can't identify where I heard that name from. Hoshi... Hoshi... Hoshi... where did I see that name from..? A waiter came, disrupting her thoughts. 'What would you like?' he asked. The face and name tag, Gokudera, of the waiter made Tsuki think again. She stared at him for a moment, even Shiori was confused. Gokudera had the same feeling as Shiori; confused. Shiori nudged her deep-in-thought friend. 'Oh, um... I'm sorry.' Tsuki apologized. 'One cappucino, please.'

'Is that all?' Gokudera asked.

'Yes, that's all.'

Shiori smiled gently. 'Five bean buns and one latte, thank you.' Gokudera took their orders and left them, going back into the kitchen, where Tsuna was waiting. 'Is it really her?' Tsuna asked. Gokudera nodded as an answer. Meanwhile, the two girls were talking as they waited. 'What's wrong? You were staring at that waiter like you were a statue.' Shiori said. 'Is everything okay? Do you need to see a doctor or anything? Or... is it because you have your heart set on him?' Tsuki laughed at her friend's last question. She gave Shiori the "it's-not-funny-even-though-I'm-laughing" look. 'Shiori, don't be ridiculous. It's just that a few days ago, when we finished work, I went to have dinner at Hoshi Coffee Shop near the hospital.' Tsuki started explaining. 'Then, the chef who opened this restaurant, Tsuna, was actually my old friend I was looking for. Gokudera, the waiter who just took our orders, was the waiter I met there.'

'I see... so, I was wrong, huh,' Shiori sighed. 'because now, you have your heart set on the chef.'

Gokudera came back and served Tsuki and Shori their food and drinks. After thanking the waiter, they continued their conversation. 'It doesn't work that way, Shiori.' Tsuki said. 'He's just an old friend, that's all. Well, at least, I was happy to see him after 10 long years.' Shiori heard the word "happy" and jealousy was messing around with her feelings, but that didn't stop her. She took a bite from her bean bun while talking to her friend. 'But you know... I don't even--' Tsuki paused, looking at the cappuccino sitting in front of her. She held the cup to take a closer look at the drink; it was decorated with a cute little bunny rabbit on it.

Tsuna was peeking from the kitchen, watching Tsuki's reaction. 'Do you think she likes it?' he asked. Gokudera chuckled. 'If you want to know what she's thinking, the look on her face says "wow".' Tsuna felt relieved. 10 years back in time, when Tsuki and Tsuna were both still young, they used to like each other (more than friends). Obviously, they were too young to be those people, so, Tsuna promised himself that when they grow up, everything would be back to the way it was. He... he's trying to take her away from me... that idiot..! Shiori thought. Wait, what am I feeling? Jealousy? Pffftt! No! I... I can't. I promised Tsuki that I'd make her happy and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

After adoring the beautiful design on her drink, Tsuki looked back up at Tsuna who was peeking through the kitchen. She smiled and mouthed "thank you" to him. Tsuna was glad to hear, or I guess, see, that and mouthed back "you're welcome" to her. 'You know, I'm going to the ladies'.' Shiori said, noticing what was going on. Tsuki nodded and took a sip from her cappuccino. 'Sure, go ahead.'

Once Shiori left her friend who seemed to be the "damsel in distress", she threw her handbag next to the sink, knowing there wasn't anyone in the bathroom. It seemed to her that Tsuna was a way better friend to Tsuki. 'Why did you have to be here..?!' Shiori clenched her fists tightly. 'Everything would've been perfect if you didn't budge into this whole surprise thing for her..!' To calm herself down, Shiori looked at herself in the mirror, asking herself "am I not good enough friend?". Tsuki wondered what took her friend so long in the toilet. What's taking her so long? Does she have diarrhea? she asked herself. Well, it could've been that. What? That's what I'd think. Don't judge me!

In the middle of wondering what's going on with Shiori, Tsuna took a seat on the same table as the lady who was full of thoughts. 'Hi,' Tsuki smiled. 'I never knew you opened up a café here.'

'Well, Gokudera and I thought that maybe we'd expand our company, so, Japan was one of my favourite countries... so, here we are.' Tsuna chuckled.


'Now, it's my turn to ask you. What are you doing here?'

'Today's my--'

Tsuna represented a chocolate cake with 2 cute anime candles showing the number "22" on the top for the birthday girl. '...birthday.' he finished the sentence for her, smiling. She was surprised he still remembered after a long time. 'Th-Thank you, Tsuna..!' Tsuki exclaimed.

'You know, I knew it was your birthday so, I figured, you know, that I'd make something for you.'

'It looks great, Tsuna.' Tsuki gave him a hug. 'Thank you.'

Shiori came back and stopped herself from walking further once she saw her best friend hugging Tsuna. She looked at him, shocked to see what was in front of her eyes. Tsuna saw her and mouthed the words "thank you". Shiori was puzzled by what he mouthed. "Thank you"? For what, exactly? 'I need to do something. Enjoy your cappuccino, alright?' Tsuna said and walked towards the jealous girl. Shiori realised this and tried turning away from him but he grabbed her wrist, making her face him. She was able to loosen the grip and push him away from her. 'What now..?!' she asked with anger in her eyes. Tsuna sighed, hoping this would turn out right. 'Thanks for bringing Tsuki here. Also, I'm sorry if things weren't fair between us. What do you say? Truce?' The next thing he received was a big slap on his left cheek from the frustrated lady in front of him. 'No matter what,' Shiori paused, then continued. 'I will never, ever forgive you.' Bystanders didn't notice this for some reason. They were too busy looking around to shop. Shiori then left the guy with a red mark on his face. 'Wow, she's one strong lady. I don't even think I should be calling her a lady.'


[Author's Note: This chapter was inspired by JinnyBoyTV's amazing short film, Conversations Over Coffee. I had been waiting for the story to be released and it's finally out! Thank you so much for the great inspiration. Another thing I was inspired to create this chapter was a Malay Drama, Seindah Sabarmu, if you're Malay, watch it. If you're not, you won't understand it even if you watch the show. Last but not least, all of my lovely readers out there. You inspired me to keep on going with this story and I will. This story... is a never-ending story of our lives. Thank you.]

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