困難な状況 - Difficult Situations

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Back at the hotel, Shiori locked herself in her room ever since coming back from the cafe. Tsuki was wondering why. Did something happen? she asked herself. Maybe it's because-- Then, she remembered when Tsuna left to meet up with Shiori. It could've been that; maybe Shiori was mad at Tsuna for doing something to her. 'Hey, Shiori?' Tsuki knocked on her friend's door. 'Are you alright? You've been in there for a while now.' At first, the atmosphere turned all quiet until Shiori opened the door. 'I'm fine, Tsuki. Don't worry about me, I'm just...' she paused for a moment. '...busy.' After closing the door, Tsuki looked down, knowing that Shiori was lieing. It was obvious because after being close to your friend for 8 whole years, you understand almost completely everything about them.

'Alright, then. I'm going out soon, okay? For a snack.' Tsuki said, and left her friend at peace. She changed her clothes into an off-white sleeveless shirt with cute black-and-white drawings on it and an aqua skirt with the length above her knees. For a change, she wore a pair of silver sneakers with her hair braided as she held a white handbag. 'I'm going now, Shiori!' she informed before leaving the apartment.

Meanwhile, Shiori stared at the photos Tsuki hid in a secret box hidden under her bed; those in the photos were with Tsuna, Natsu, Kouichi and Yui. They were all scattered everywhere on Shiori's bed. As she observed each one carefully, she threw them everywhere as if she was crazy. 'Stupid...' she let out a slight and evil giggle. '...they're all so stupid. Why did you have to come back?' Sounds like a villain? Pffftt..! Well, maybe... maybe not. Tsuki went off to Hoshi Cafe, with a smile on her face as she saw Gokudera with Tsuna in the kitchen. The two guys noticed her and Tsuki gave them a slight grin towards them and waved. Gokudera gave Tsuna a pat on his back as the "boss" approached the smiling lady. 'Good afternoon.' he greeted.

'Good afternoon.' Tsuki replied.

'So, what brings you here today?'

'Oh, yes. I was wondering, are you free around 8:00pm?'

'Hm... actually... yeah.'

'Do you want to come have dinner with Shiori and I? Oh, and bring Gokudera along too..!'

'Sure, but what's this all of a sudden?'

'There's something I want to talk to you about.'

'Alright. So, I'll pick you up at 8:00pm?'

'Okay. Sure.' Tsuki smiled as she waved goodbye. Gokudera met up with his buddy, as he was told about everything. Tsuna chuckled. 'It was good to see her again... but I'm still looking for the others.' Gokudera agreed. Usually, he hated it when Tsuna was searching for them but this time, he knew and understood his friend's loyalty.

When Tsuki entered the apartment, she realised that her friend was still in the room. 'Shiori? Shiori?' she called out several times. After opening the door to Shiori's room, she noticed photos on the bed. Tsuki sat down on the bed and took a careful look on each photo, holding it in her hand. 'These are...' she paused. '...what was she doing?' The thinking atmosphere was broken by Shiori's voice; she was talking in the bathroom. 'Shiori? Are you in there?' Tsuki tried opening the bathroom door but it was comepletely locked. Shiori was still talking. Did she not hear her friend calling out to her? Tsuki took her hairpin from the dressing table and tried pick-locking after rememebering her friend, Ichiro, talking about how obsessed he was with pick-locking 10 years ago. Tsuki opened the door and saw her friend looking at herself in the mirror but as the door opened, she was surprised and hid her phone behind her back. 'What are you doing, Shiori?' Tsuki asked.

'Nothing.' Shiori answered.

'Okay, then. Oh, yes! Tonight, we're going to be having dinner with Gokudera and Tsuna. Make sure you get ready before 8:00pm.'

'Alright. Thanks for telling me. Also, did Tsuna mention the invite?'

'No, I did.'

Shiori became silent after that. It all made sense to her now. 'Um...' she placed her right hand on her forehead, giving it a gentle massage. '...I have a headache. I should take a rest. Why don't you watch tv or something and when it's time, wake me up, alright?' Tsuki agreed and scooted over to the living room and sat on the couch, switching on the television. She spent hours watching boring, old news and went into her room to get her clothes changed into a black dress with 3 over-lapping frills along with a black ribbon tied around the waist. The weather seemed to be having a few breezes from 5:00pm to 11:00pm on the night so, Tsuki wore a white short-sleeved cardigan with the length right above the ribbon. Before she could even knock on her friend's door, Shiori opened it, already in her simple, sleeveless, white dress with a black belt around her waist and a black long-sleeved cardigan.

The girls were walking towards their destination when they finally saw 2 familiar faces. Tsuki backed up and approached the first familiar face. 'Hey, aren't you--?' she paused.

'I'm Sashimi, and you are Tsuki, aren't you?' he introduced. 'I still remember when I asked you for help with my P.E homework and you just said "go ask someone else".'

Jyuto, the other guy, also remembered. 'Oh, hi! I think you're Tsuki, right? Long time, no see!' He grinned. Suddenly, a random teenage boy came up and said to Sashimi and Jyuto, 'Hey! Long time, no see, my friends!' and gave the boys a tight hug and left. He was a complete stranger to them and made the atmosphere really silent. Shiori broke the silence. 'Who was--' But when she turned to Tsuki, she wasn't there; Tsuki was with the boy who left the atmosphere with just the sound of the wind passing by. 'How are you? It's been a while, right?'

'Yeah, it has. Such a small world. Remember when I used to tickle you all the time? Haha.. that was fun.'

Shiori, Jyuto and Sashimi approached the two and the boys were the only ones who recognised him. 'Nomiro!' the two boys said. Everyone was happy except Shiori; it was as if she was invisible. Tsuki realised and began to exchange numbers with the boys. 'Alright, I'll see you guys soon, okay?' she waved to them. 'As promised, Shiori, we'll continue our journey to Kagari!' Tsuki playfully sounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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