Chapter 4

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It was their sixth session and Harley Quinzel had opened up to him little by little each day. He could admit these sessions where the highlight of his time in Arkham, since he spent most of his time rotting away in his cell or suffering through shock treatments. But something he didn't want to admit to himself, was that he actually enjoyed her company. Whenever he let himself think about her or even open up to her, he would brush it off and tell himself it was to further manipulate her for his escape. But deep down he knew better, and he hated it.

"Where do you get virgin wool from?" the Joker said with a grin.

"Where?" she replied almost looking bored while she sipped her coffee.

"Ugly sheep!" he exclaimed loudly echoing though the small room.

He the laughed loudly at his own joke only to find Harley giving him a small smile and writing something down in her notebook.

"Ohhhh... come on doc, that one always kills" he lied leaning back in his chair.

"Humor is just your way of getting attention." she accused with a hint of a smile.

"Or a way to say the truth without saying it" Harleen continued staring at him smugly.

"Or power" Mr.J said now standing up from his chair.

"I'm listening" she said tilting her head up to look at him.

"Make em' laugh, you have a piece of them." he grumbled as he smiled down at her.

"And this is how you got your father's attention?" she interrupted.

"Thought you were listening dear?"

"Of course, I'm sorry , go on" she apologized sheepishly.

"If you have a piece of them you have power over them" he continued while turning to face the wall.

"Then you can bend them to your will. You can make some a bozo laugh just as easily as you can make him cry." he taunted now walking around the table toward her.

"But.. you get the same result" he hissed in her left ear.

Oh he was enjoying this. 

"Their attention. Suddenly, you matter." the clown prince of crime said now standing beside her.

"You're not just another little itsy ant they can step on"

"Like your poor father" he  jested.

Harley continued to stare forward her eyebrows furrowed.

"Quite amazing what you can find if you know what you are looking for." he said with a wild smile.

"They really should pay the orderlies more" he continued taunting her.

"I digress we were talking about good old daddy" the Joker went on in his low voice now pacing the room.

"Killed by a drunk driving fat cat in his tailored suit and diamond pinkie ring, who had high power connections and got-off." he explained facing the wall behind her.

"Got the live on while your poor father was gone"

"And you were powerless to do anything about it" he said smiling at the wall.

He knew he struck gold when he dug up this information on her.

"I used to be the same way... Powerless against those wanted to keep me down" Joker smirked now looking at the back of her head, her blond hair done up into a perfect bun.

Chemical Romance (The Joker and Harley Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now