Chapter 6

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Doctor Quinzel was sprawled out on the couch in her living room watching a late night reality TV show. She lived on the sixth floor of a respectable apartment building in downtown Gotham. She glanced over to her wall clock in the kitchen, it was almost three in the morning. Harleen didn't even try to sleep that night, she knew her mind wouldn't stop spinning after what happened earlier that evening. 

He brought out things in her..made her feel more complete as a person. The Joker brought out her wild side and for that she trusted him completely. Maybe that wasn't the smartest idea, but she didn't want it any other way. She knew this man was twisted and manipulative, but part of her didn't really care about all that, part of her could relate to it. She would find a way for them to be together, to fix him. As unprofessional as it was, she was in love with her patient.



The crown prince of crime was walking back to his holding cell, escorted by four heavily armed officers. 

 The only prisoner that receives this sort of treatment. Flattery. He will never get sick of it.  

The Joker had just received another electroshock therapy treatment and was still suffering the side effects of the muscle relaxant. But that didn't stop him from swiping Dr.Serrano's cell phone out of her lab coat pocket during the appointment. 

Joker was now in the corner of his cell, at a angle where he knew all the cameras could't see what he was doing behind his back. He dialed a number on Doctor Serrano's stolen phone.

"Hello?"Jonny Frost, the Joker's henchman, answered with a deep voice.

"Frost, It's J" the Joker grumbled. 

"Oh Boss... uhwe just collected the floor plan and security codes and-" Frost started babbling and the Joker could tell by his voice he was already afraid for his life.

"Shut up, I don't have time for your shit. Be here Thursday night. I'm in max security cell two on the lowest floor. I need you to bust in here nine fifteen sharp, you got it?" the criminal commanded.

"Y-yes but, the security... It's complex boss." Jonny stuttered.

"You are getting on my nerves, Frost. I don't care what you have to do, blow the place up, just get me outta this shit hole." Joker demanded angrily through the small phone. 

"S-sure thing boss" the henchman said through the phone.

"Nine fifteen, Frost. And don't be late" he ordered as he hung up the phone.


It was their fifth session since the Joker was arrested and brought back the Arkham asylum. He was sitting in his usual chair across from the doctor. Their session was almost done and soon his entourage of guards would be there to take him back to his cell. 

"Doctor Quinzel." the Joker drawled out, his arms nearly numb from the straight jacket he wore.

"Ya know, I live for these moments with you" he admitted as Harley reached into her lab coat pocket.

Harley responded to his wooing words with a small giggle.

"What do ya got?" the Joker asked as he leaned into the table.

"I got ya' a kitty" Harleen answered smiling while she held up a small white stuffed cat.

"So thoughtful" the crown prince of crime said in his raspy voice.

Chemical Romance (The Joker and Harley Quinn)Where stories live. Discover now