Chapter 7

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Doctor Quinzel was being held at gunpoint by Joker's henchman Frost. All around her were heavily armed men wearing masks and costumes. Panda man, wearing a panda face mask, sported a large matching furry costume complete with the words 'Friends Forever' embroidered on a heart patched on his chest. Goat-head priest sported an actual preserved goat's head which he wore over his black priest robes and rosary. Crying baby man was dressed in a security man uniform while wearing a crying baby mask over his face. Eyeball man was in a red janitor's outfit- almost normal except for the large eyeball mask that covered his entire head. Finally there were the shark heads one and two- two linebacker-sized bruisers wearing black and white shark head masks, also dressed in full black suits, with white ties over white dress shirts. Weird. Bizarre. Twisted costumes.

The better to frighten you with.

"You're looking... good enough to eat. Figuratively speaking, of course. I'm strictly vegan. At least today." the Joker teased as he stepped closer to Doctor Quinzel.

Harleen squirmed in Frost's grip, but he held firmly onto her.

"Time for a little electroshock therapy" Joker announced to no one in particular. 

"Frost, do me a favor, will you? Dump our pretty lady on the table" he commanded his henchman.

"Get off me!" Harley shrieked as the mercenary threw her onto the exam table.

She tried to kick and punch them unsuccessfully while they strapped her into place. Joker removed his prison shirt, carefully folded it, then placed it to the side of the room.

"What do we have here?" he said spreading his arms out as he strolled toward the table that she was bound to.

His extraordinarily pale skin was covered over with dozens-maybe hundreds- of insane tattoos, showing from head to foot. An eerie wide grin was inked on his right forearm while a parade of laughing "HA-HA-HA's" crept up his chest to his left arm. Dozens more were carefully placed along his side, back, and legs filling nearly every open space.

He saw Harley staring at him, confused. He gestured toward his shirt.

"The government spent a helluva lot of money buying us thrift store rejects, so I'm not going to potentially dirty it with your blood. Come on. Do I look like a barbarian?" the clown prince of crime jested.

Harleen Quinzel's eyes reflected her fear as the Joker pushed one of the steel lamps down to shine on her face.

"Please Don't. Please. I did what ya' said."

"I helped you." she pleaded with the man standing above her.

She tried to struggle free, but the straps were designed to hold a 400-pound madman.

The Joker fell back. His eyes rolled into his head as if he simply couldn't believe what he just heard. He shook his head to clear away his confusion, then stuck his face inches from Quinzel's own.

"You helped me?" he repeated. 

"You helped me?"

"You left me in a black hole of rage and confusion." Joker admitted leaning down inches from her face before slamming his fists down on the operation table.

"By scorching what few dead, faded memories I had into sizzling knot?" 

"That was prescribed"she plead.

"Dr.Serrano said it was the best possible cure for ya'" she tried to explain.

"For my what, girl? A cure for my genius? My insanity? My ability to do bird calls? Or maybe you mean it was to help cure my bad back? You know, I got that digging graves for that old folks tour I kidnapped, way back when"

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