The Road

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Soon everyone was on the bus and we were on the road. The boys were in the front lounge drinking and catching up so I decided to go into the back lounge and watch movies, and let them do their thing.

I weaved my way through the people in the front through to the back lounge and closed the door and looked around for the movies.

I found the movies hidden in some drawers and went through them. Seriously, are the only movies they have porn? I thought to myself and put them away and continued looking for proper movies.

I opened another drawer and found some disney movies and put on 'Finding Nemo', turned off the light and laid down on the couch.

"Oi! Wanker get your nasty ass lips off me!" I heard Ben yell out, he was obviously talking to either James or Danny.

I couldn't help but giggle and smile at him. Everything about him was so perfect, from his voice, to his body, his laugh and smile, even when he was being a wanker, he was still perfect and irresistible.

I quickly snapped out of daydreaming when i heard the door open and saw Ben walk in.

He smiled and walked in, closed the door and asked "What are you doing down here all by yourself honey?"

I smiled and sat up so he could sit down "I don't really feel like drinking and I thought I'd let you all catch up and shit" I replied shyly.

"That's understandable; but you can still be out there whilst we're catching up" he sat down and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side.

I couldn't help but blush, his touch was so warm and comforting. "I know, but I don't really feel like listening to James' annoying, corny pick-up lines" I rolled my eyes and laughed softly, causing Ben to laugh.

"Yeah he's a pretty shit flirt, and he's even worse when he's drunk, so just be aware of that" Ben laughed and slowly pulled me closer and played with my hair.

I blushed a little deeper and rested my head on his shoulder and went back to watching the movie. He pulled the blanket up over him as well and put his other hand on my thigh and slightly rubbed it, which caused me to moan slightly. I saw him smirk out the corner of my eye and bite my lip.

"God, could you be any sexier" he whispered in my ear.

I blushed deeply and giggled softly and turned my head so I was looking up at him "Dun-" I was quickly cut off as our lips collided.

His kiss was rough, but passionate, I'd never had a kiss like this before. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up onto his lap, so I was straddling him. I tangled my fingers in his hair and gently bit his lip, which caused him to moan softly.

Just as Ben pulled my shirt off, Cam came in and growled "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!"

He ripped Ben out from under me and pushed him out he room "You fucking stay away from my sister!"

Cam slammed the door in Ben's face as he went to talk, and turned to me and glared.

I rolled my eyes "I'm 19 Cameron! I can make my own decisions!"

"No! Not with one of my band members Sky!" He sat down next to me. "I know I'm being an overprotective dick, but I don't want to see you get hurt, that's my biggest fear"

I sighed and pulled my shirt on and snuggled into his chest "I know it is but I can take care of myself, I'm not going to get hurt"

"I don't care, I know how much of a persuasive player he is" he kissed the top of my head.

"Seriously Cameron, people change and I'm pretty sure Ben knows that if he fucked me over you'd kill him" I groaned and then laughed at the thought of Cam killing someone.

Cam shook his head and laughed "Okay, okay, fine. I guess at least you're taking interest in Ben and not James"

"Eww James is nasty, don't you worry, I'm going to be staying as far away from him as I can"

"Good that's a relief, get some sleep it's late, and you and I have an early start tomorrow" he got back up and went back out and closed the door.


I sighed as I realised how much of this tour that I was actually going to be spending alone.

I decided to sleep on the couch, as it would be noisy in the bunk area. I laid down and snuggled into the couch and slowly fell asleep, as the boys kept partying well into the night.

My Gramophone Elegance: Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now