Someone, Somewhere

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I sat next to him on the couch and lightly plucked at my tights and smiled softly as he pulled me closer and twirled my hair.

"So tell me about yourself love, Cam hasn't mentioned how you and him met and all that shit" he almost questioned.

I thought for a second or two, thinking of where to start. I didn't know what to say, or how to say it "Uh, well.. I don't really know where to start" I looked up at him and looked around the room "Well, Cam fortunately found me after a night out. He took a short cut back to his hotel, through the alley I was, sleeping in I guess you could say" his eyes met mine again, they were full of sadness and question.

"How...Why were you sleeping in an alley?" He asked confused.

I fiddled with my bracelet "When I was 12, my mum left me. She was an alcoholic and a drug addict. She decided that not only could she afford looking after me and her addiction, she also couldn't be bothered pretending that she loved and cared about me" I looked back at him and he signaled for me to go on. "I had no other family, they were never around because of my mum, they all shut me out because of her. So, I had nowhere to go but the streets. I lived like that for over two years, stealing food and money" I looked away so he couldn't see that my eyes were tearing it. It was a really sensitive topic for me, that I only ever talked about with Cam and occasionally Danny.

He looked at me extremely sympathetically and pulled me into a tight, loving hug. I buried my head in his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck, trying not to cry as the memories came rushing back to me. He gently rubbed my back and kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger against my head. I couldn't help it, I started to sob against his chest.

He pulled me up onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me tighter "shh, shh, honey it's okay"

I pulled back so I was looking into his eyes and smiled weakly at him, as he brushed hair out of my face and gently kissed me. Just as he deepened the kiss, Cam walked in like usual. I groaned and hopped off Ben's lap and walked out the back lounge with Cam following me. He gently grabbed my arm and turned me so I was facing him.

"Sky, what did we talk about? I don't want you getting hurt" 

"And what did I say? I won't get hurt Cam. I know how to handle myself" I groaned and tried to pull away.

He tightened his grip and pleaded "Please Sky, please. Listen to me and not get involved with him, don't get involved with anyone on this bus"

I had to listen to him, he was the reason I've made it this far. I looked up at him and sighed "Fine, I won't get involved with anyone on this bus. I promise"

"Thank you" he kissed my cheek and let me go and I walked off the bus to go find something to eat.


I had no idea where I was because I had never been in this town before and I was stupid enough to not take my phone with me. I must have been walking around for hours. But at least I had found food, so I wasn't hungry anymore. I eventually found Starbucks from and tried to find my way back from there. Surprisingly, it was working. I went back past the park and Wal-Mart, around the corner back past some Italian restaurant, across the road and around another corner. I eventually saw the Asking Alexandria buses and sighed in relief. As I walked closer to the buses, I heard everyone in a panic, running around, I think for me...

Sam saw me first "Skylar! Thank fuck you're okay!" he slid down the wall and sighed in relief.

I smiled slightly and went to say something, but quickly stopped and looked a little scared as Cameron came running towards me "What the fuck?! You can't just run off like that! You don't know this area! What if something happened to you?! You would've had no way to contact us!" he yelled at me angrily. It was quite scary.

I cowered under his harsh tone "Cam I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry. I only went to Starbucks and to a couple of shops but I got a little lost. Nothing happened, I swear. I'm okay and at least I'm back now" 

"That doesn't cut it!" he growled and raised his hand at me and went to hit me, but Danny and Sam ran over and stopped him.

They quickly dragged him away, down the street to try and get him to calm down. I was still scared though. I stood there shaking, I couldn't believe he went to hit me. Cameron, of all people, try to hit me. I was quickly brought out of my daze, when Ben pulled me into a tight hug.

"Holy shit, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried! You'd been gone for hours!" he kissed my head and cheeks a few times, and stroked my hair to  calm me down.

I stopped shaking and relaxed in his arms. I felt safe "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone" I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head in his chest and mumbled against it "I-I can't believe Cam went to hit me.."

"Hey, hey, it's okay, he was just really really worried, I doubt he would've meant it, let alone actually hit you" he kissed the top of my head, picked me up and took me back onto the bus. He laid me in his bunk and slid in next to me and pulled me close and asked "Sky, I know this is a long shot but.. I love you and I want to know if you'll be my girlfriend?"

I snuggled into his chest and smiled "Of course I will" I leaned up and kissed him lovingly "although, one problem.. Cameron. For now we are going to have to be together in secret" I slowly closed my eyes, I was so tired.

"Yeah I know, but that's okay. Get some sleep love, you need it" soon we were both deep in sleep.

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