18 and Life

436 13 4

Light shone through an open window waking me up. I rolled over and sat up hit my head on something.

"Ow! Fuck!" I groaned.

I rubbed my head and looked around, realising I was in a bunk. How did I end up in here? I thought to myself and assumed that Cam or someone must have moved me.

As I went to pull back the curtain, I felt arms wrap around me and pull me back down. I freaked out a little, but then I got a proper look at who I was laying next to, James. Great. He smelt like whiskey and smoke, it was extremely repulsive. James had obviously gotten drunk last night, all of the boys probably had.

I wriggled to try and get out of his grip "James, let me go!"

"No, cuddle with me" he slurred/groaned. Yep, he was definitely still drunk.

I gently hit his chest, making him groan and finally let go. I got out of his bunk and gagged from the over powering fumes of cheap whiskey and jacks. I walked out into the 'front lounge' and saw a couple of blonde girls passed out in one of the booths and rolled my eyes.

They were probably the guys left overs from last night. I couldn't stand the mess and smell of the bus so I decided to clean up, since we were still driving and I had nothing else to do and everyone else wouldn't be up 'till the afternoon or later.

I couldn't do anything without getting rid of the random girls, so I went into the front cab, to the bus driver to see if we could stop.

"Hey Zuse, I was just wondering if we could stop so the random girls in the bus can get off? If its not too much trouble?" I asked shyly.

He smiled "No it's no trouble at all. There's a servo up here that we can stop at"

"Thanks" I smiled and walked back into the lounge and frowned slightly, how the hell am I meant to kick them off? I thought for a moment and heard Zuse say that we had stopped.

I kicked the girls lightly to wake them up "Come on get out, you've over stayed your welcome" I pointed to the bus door.

They all groaned and eventually got up and left. With that we were back on the road.


I started to clean up and suddenly felt arms around me waist. I jumped slightly and groaned "James, seriously fuck off!"

They laughed, which made me realise it wasn't James, it was Ben. His laugh made me smile and I turned around to face him.

"Sorry Benny, I thought you were James. He moved me into his bunk last night" I frowned slightly and shook my head and went back to cleaning up.

"It's okay love, if he causes you anymore trouble just let me know and I'll kill him" he laughed and gently grabbed my wrist. "Stop cleaning up our mess, we will do it"

"It's okay, I don't have anything else to do, it'll keep me busy" I smiled and went back to cleaning.

He stopped me again "Seriously, stop you're making me feel bad. Go have a shower and freshen up, I'll finish cleaning" he took the bag from me and shooed me away.

I shook my head and laughed and walked back to my bunk, grabbing my bag and went to the bathroom and got in the shower. I had "Remembering Sunday" by All Time Low stuck in my head, so I decided to sing it, in hope that it will stop, I also thought no one would be able to hear me over the shower. So I started to sing the parts that were in my head...


I finished my shower, got out and did my hair and makeup and went back out to the lounge. Ben turned around. I noticed he was grinning.

"Uh.. What's the grin for?" I asked.

He looked me up and down and gawked, causing me to blush and smile shyly "You have an amazing voice! Cam didn't tell us you could sing!"

My eyes widen, I didn't realize he was able to hear me "Oh uh.. You heard me? That's embarrassing"

I looked around shyly/awkwardly and sighed in relief under my breath, as Cam walked out.

"Morning, nice sex hair" I teased and he frowned and tried to flatten his hair, only making it worse.

I walked over to him with a brush and fixed his hair for him.

"Thanks sis" he smiled and kissed my forehead. I screwed up my face at the smell of his breathe.

"Eww, god go brush your teeth and freshen up. You smell worse than James, and he smells bad!" I laughed at his reaction.

"Okay, okay I'm going!" he groaned and walked off to the bathroom.

I looked back at Ben and smiled, he smiled back, still gawking a little "Do you wanna go into the back lounge and talk? I wanna get to know you better" he asked.

I nodded and followed him into the back room. I have to admit, I was hoping that we would continue what we started last night, before we were rudely inturrpted but figured that it wouldn't.

My Gramophone Elegance: Ben BruceWhere stories live. Discover now