Chapter 9

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Sarah was standing not facing Locke. She heard him come and she turned around normally.

Locke luckily didn't see the recording Xere made, even if he did, he probably would've not listened to it anyways since they were needing to leave to reach their destination.

"Ready when you are Osiris."

"We're read commander." Locke said responding back.

"Ok. Let's go." Sarah and Locke went to the Pelican as Sarah Osiris to another part of Sangheilios.

"Osiris." Sarah said through her comms to the team, "Halsey's Constructor's in a Forerunner facility north of here, but the covies have a Kraken packed between you and it." The Pelican slowly went closer to the surface, "The Arbiter's people are set to hit the Kraken from the air while you handle ground support. Once you reached the rally point, Arbiter will give the green light."

"Understood, Commander." Locke replied.

Sarah dropped the team off as they got out of the ship. "Patching you to Arbiter's battle net now. Good luck out there, Spartans."

Once the team got off the ship, Sarah flew back up in the sky going to go help.

In the meantime, Xere was in the sky helping his brothers. He had recently became the Flight leader of the group. They had promoted him because of how well he was able to command trips into battle, and how he has helped his team before all live. He was also a very good fighter. He spoke to his team through his comms.

"Swords of Sangheilios, visual on Kraken, stand by. All wings report."

The Siqtar leader spoke up first, "Attack wing Siqtar in position."

"Attack wing Lar in position."

"Attack wing Jardam in position."

Xere had spoke up once more as all of them had answered, "All wings hold here until Arbiter signals our attack run."

"Confirmed. Holding steady." Siqtar answered.

All teams were ready for the Arbiter to give the signal. They waited for Osiris while watching for any enemies.

Sarah flew her Pelican waiting for Osiris to be in position.

"Commander Palmer, we're in position." Locke informed.

Sarah replied, "Copy that. Arbiter, you're up."

"Affirmative. Warriors of Vadam! Swords of Sangheilios! Commence attack!"

Lar two responded as well, "Affirmative."

"Kraken' son the move!" Buck said as he saw the Karaken.

Arbiter spoke up again, "All Banshee wings engage the Kraken."

Xere and his team started engaging the Kraken. They started firing it to distract it so Osiris can continue on with their mission without the Kraken trying to aim for Osiris.

"Arbiter's people have the Kraken distracted. You're clear to advance on the Constructor's coordinates." Sarah informed Osiris.

Locked replied, "Affirmative, Comnander." He then spoke to his team. "Let's go."

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