Zombie Appocaplyse | Michael

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 It wasn't expected. No one expected it. The world went from semi-functional to broken and corrupt. The once gigantic population of human were now mutated into cannibalistic freaks. Only a small number of humans were uninfected by the virus. Being only 6 in the situation was terrifying however after losing most of your family members in the tragic event Michael had luckily managed to keep you and his bandmates safe. It was scary to have to go through all of the moment during the apocalypse but your little team seemed to do well. Michael had the knowledge and strategy for survival from video games he had played. Luke had some gun knowledge from he used to go hunting with his father so he was able to teach the rest of the group so that they could protect each other. Calum and Ashton were both very strong and were able to build shelter and create barriers. They all helped you a lot, luke even taught you how to shoot in case of emergencies. Michael always tried his best to keep your spirits up by telling stupid jokes or giving you cuddles. 

Your little group was currently taking shelter inside a mall log cabin and it was perfect for your little group but your food supplies were running low so Michael had planned to take you hunting with him. He figured it would be good to show you how to kind food just in case something bad happened. He hated the idea of you losing each other but it could possibly happen, that was the horrible reality of that world. 

So hand in hand you both went out into the woods. "Are you cold sweetie?" Michael asked you. You nodded your head rubbing your palms together, Michael nodded and lifted you from the ground and rested you on his hip. You rested your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around him. "Are you scared to hunt?" he asked. You shook your head, "gotta be brave" you said. That was a phrase that Michael would constantly say to you whenever situations would get tough. He nodded his head and kissed your forehead "You got it, kid." 

After Michael showed you how to stay quiet and calm, you finally shot one rabbit which made him very proud. (Sorry if you don't eat meat, just kinda didn't know what else to write about) "Let's head back now and cook food okay?" he asked. You nodded and smiled. You held Michael's hand as you both walked together. 

As you were walking it began to get darker but you just continued to walk. Suddenly you felt you arm get grabbed by an arm, you quickly pulled back as  a scream escaped your mouth.  you looked and saw the zombie that had tried to grab you in a split second you heard the noise of a gun. You saw the zombie fall to the ground. You felt yourself be picked up by Michael. "It's okay you're okay" he reassured. You nodded but stayed silent and cuddled into Michael's side. 

After having dinner Michael tucked you up into your sleeping bag, just as he was about the leave he heard your sniffles as tears escaped your eyes. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" he questioned. He pulled you into his chest as you cried. "I am so sorry Mikey," he said. "Why Y/N what's up?" he questioned. "I - I wasn't brave when that zombie tried to hurt me" you stuttered. Michael shook his head. "It's okay to be scared sweetie. I was scared too. You don't always have to brave i promise" he smiled.

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