Ex | Luke

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He was in the past. He was someone you wanted to forget. It was a time in your life that you wanted to leave. It was a time of pain and denial. 


"I didn't kiss him!" you exclaimed as tears fell from your eyes. He pushed you against the wall desperate for the 'truth' "Please stop you're hurting me!' you cried out in pain ad he dug his nails into your shoulders. The kind guy you saw before who you fell madly in love with had turned into a green monster. "You went to that party and got drunk and cheated on me Y/N, stop lying to me you idiot!" he exclaimed getting closer to your face pressing his nails in further. 'Y/EB/N I promise I did not, please believe me!' You pleaded. He removed his hands from your shoulders and walked away slightly from you. "Thank you for believing me" You whispered. A sense of relief washed over you as you saw that he had stopped. But you were wrong. You were so wrong. Y/EB/N turned around and swung his fist so it connected with your jaw. The punch knocked you to the ground and pain shot through your body. He was never this bad. You thought he walked away but when you were about to stand his foot connected with your stomach allowing pain to radiate your body. You screamed out as he continued to kick you there. 

The pain was too much that you couldn't cope, "Stop!" you exclaimed one more time. He pulled his foot back and went to kick you again but he was pulled back. You looked up and saw your brother there holding onto his collar pushing him ain't the wall. His bandmate stood around him. Calum helped Luke to push him back as Michael and Ashton rushed over to you, checking to see if you were okay. You watched as Luke and Calum beat him to a pulp. However, you couldn't continue to watch because black had begun to consume your eyes before you fell into unconsciousness you heard Luke scream out "Y/N" 

Luke's P.O.V

After the police took away the pathetic excuse for a boy that had hurt my baby sister we waited for the ambulance to help her. I saw her laid on the floor, her head was rested on Michael's leg and a purple bruise had covered her jaw. I bent down slightly lifting up her t-shirt to see her stomach. A huge purple bruise was there reflecting her pain. I felt tears escape my eyes. No one should do this to someone ever. 

(End of Flashback) 

That was two years ago and you were stronger now. You knew that If a man ever came close to treating you the way he should you would not stay with him. You avoided Y/EB/N from that day. It was easy at first he got up tin prison for 2 years because of his behaviour. However his time was up and he was on probation. You were terrified he would come back to hurt you again. Luke was aware of this so the day that Y/EB/N was released he asked the boys to sleep at yours and Luke's house because it allowed you to fell slightly more comfortable. 

The night was going well you were all laid ou on blankets on the floor watching TV. All the boys were asleep first. But you stayed awake because you still didn't fell comfortable enough. As you watched the film you heard a door open. Nerves shot through you. Was it him? Ws he going to hurt you? You were going to wake up Luke but he looked so peaceful so instead, you walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. As you made your cup of water you hear footsteps behind you. You slowly turned to him stood there again. "Did you miss me?" he asked his voice deeper and angrier. "P-P-lease gets out of my house, You aren't allowed here," You said your voice shaky and weak. "Honey, you can't tell me anything. You are a pathetic piece of sh*t and you know it" he replied. Before you could reply you heard the voice of Luke "don't you speak to her that way, you are pathetic and you know that you should get out or I will beat you worse than I did before,"  He said. You ex just shrugged "fine I'm going to find another girl who isn't such an idiot." He said walking out of your house. As soon as the door shut you ran over to Luke wrapping your arms around him "T-thank you so much!' you exclaimed. He wrapped his arms around you. "Anything for you sweetie.' he said. 


I hope you enjoyed this;I'm sorry it's a violent . Anyway thanks for all your great feedback it makes me very happy. I thought I'd ask you guys a question. 

Which wattpad users books do you love to read?

Also, if you ever want to ask meany  questions why not add my sc its HannahLeighMay I will rpely as fast as I cna!

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