Chapter 5: Mr. Temper, has a Temper

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Chapter 5:

 "What?" He asked.

 "So you knew that I liked you before I said all that stuff?" I asked.

 He smirked and quickly nodded three times.

 I put my hands on my hips and shook my head as I smiled.

"So you don't wanna bite me now?" I asked.

 He leaned in with his mouth open and fangs out.

I screamed and was trying to pull away but he wouldn't let me go.

 Then someone whacked Randy on the back of his head really hard with a frying pan and Randy's face turned from charming to p****d.

He growled and turned around and growled again.

I realized the person with the frying pan was Johnny.

 "Johnny run!" I yelled defending him.

I tried to grab Randy before he chased after him but I was too late he was already charging towards him.

 "Randy stop!" I yelled running into the dining room where both of them were.

Randy was punching Johnny repeatedly.

 "Stop, please stop! You're gonna kill em!'" I screamed trying to pull him back but he shoved me backwards into a chair. Breaking it in half.

"HEY, DON'T TOUCH HER!!!!!" Johnny yelled punching Randy.

 "RANDY STOP IT!!!" I screamed.

 I went in Randy's view and looked into his angry eyes.

 "Please?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

He looked at me and his grimace slowly changed into a look of sympathy and he dropped Johnny and ran off out the front door.

 I waited until I knew he was gone and I dropped to my knees and laid Johnny's head in my lap.

 "Johnny." I cried rubbing the hairs off of his forehead.

 He was bleeding right above his eyebrow.

"Wait here!" I said running to the bathroom and grabbing the first aid kit.

I ran back and quickly landed on my knees and then he laid his head back in my lap.

 I opened the case up and the gauze caught my eye. I grabbed that and a small bottle of peroxide.

 "Ah." He said wincing from the pressure I accidentally put on his cut.

"Sorry." I said grimacing at the pain in his eyes.

There was a long silence and the sound of the wind was heard loudly because the front door was wide open.

"I'm so sorry Johnny this is all my fault." I said.

  "No, don't put this on your- ah!" He said.

 "Sorry again." I said wincing with him.

"Don't put this on yourself. It's not your fault at all, he was trying to bite you and I saved you. What part could have been your fault?" He said quickly.

 "Wait! You thought he was gonna bite me?" I asked.

 "Carly, he was going straight towards your neck and you were screaming!" He said.

"He was joking around. I was screaming because I really was scared but it wasn't like I thought he was really gonna bite me, because he wasn't." I said.

"What? Why would he joke around like that?" He asked clearly peed off.

"That's just the kind of guy he is. He wasn't gonna bite me. I promise." I said.

He scoffed and sat up to look at me.

 "We should shut the door." He said.

"Right." I said standing up and jogging to the front door, and then closing and locking it.

I came back to see Johnny sitting there smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're a really good sister that's all." He said smiling.

 "AWWWWW!!!!!" I said running to him and kissing his scalp several times.

"You're so Shweet!" I said.

He nudged me to get away then I pouted.

 "I know I'm shweet I just don't want you kissing me head." He said wiping off his scalp with the back of his hand.

"Ok." I said.

 "So what are we gonna do about Mr. Temper?" He asked.

I chuckled at his joke and then straightened my face up.

"I don't know." I said.

 "Yeah, me neither, we're gonna need some back up on this." He said.

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