The babysitter's a Vampire.

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Picture of Carla  in the description

It was freezing outside on a Tuesday evening and my mom was packing her bags for a buisness trip she was going on.

 "Carla hand me those boots." My mom ordered me.

 I handed them to her and went back to reading my magazine.

 She sighed. "Hunny, I know you don't like this at all, but this is gonna be big for us....I know it!"

"Sure mom." I said as my eyes focused on a cute boy in my magazine.

 She sighed again and turned back around to start packing again.

 "Mom, this is so not fair, I'm 15, I don't need a babysitter! The kids at school get to stay at home by their self, or with their whiny sisters." My brother Johnny said looking at me.

"I'm gonna show your so called friends that picture of you sleeping with your pink easter bunny if you don't shut the h*** up." I said.

My mom yelled at us. "Enough, Carla stop threatening your brother and don't use words like that Carla, and Johnny stop aggravating your sister!"

 "Whatever." I mumbled.

"Mom please, tell the babysitter to go away???? I don't want him to come." Johnny complained.

 "It's too late sorry, I can't tell him to leave now he already started driving to our house." She said.

  "Don't worry he'll more than likely "go away" the minute he gets here." She said laughing.

 Wait, he? The babysitter was a guy?

I even looked up then and we both stared at her for a few moments.

 "Ok, now let's just pretend that I didn't say that." She said.

 I just looked back down at my magazine and shook my head with a grimace on my face.

"Mom, this really isn't fair!" Johnny complained.

 "Ugh! I'm leaving!" I said with a groan as I stomped off.

 "What is it?" My mom yelled out to me in an annoyed tone.

 "He won't shut up!" I yelled slamming my bedroom door and then locking it.

 "Well that's no reason to go and hide in your room!" She yelled back.

My mom just didn't understand, well i could see why she couldn't. She only had one sister, a big sister that enjoyed killing people and started doing that since she was 12. So she had been in prison all her life. She was just messed up, so messed up that we never even met her.

I plopped down on my bed and blared Just that girl from Drew Seeley in my headphones.

I laid there and eventually when I was done with my magazine I went in the bathroom to take a long hot bubble bath.

 15 minutes later I got out, got dressed, I blow dried my hair, curled it, put makeup on, and slipped on my heels.

 I walked down stairs with my stomach grumbling.

 I grabbed some leftover chicken out of the fridge and warmed it up in the microwave.

Then when it was hot I sat at the table to eat it, but the minute I sat down I heard the doorbell.

 "Hunny, can you get that?" My mom shouted to me.

 "I'm eating!" I yelled back with a mouthful of chicken.

"Please? I'm packing!" She said back.

 I groaned and walked to the front door.

I stuck a bite of chicken in my mouth and opened the door.

"Uh, is Fiona here?" A young very attractive man asked as I stood there staring at him and his VERY toned body like a deer in the headlights.

 He was probably one of Noah's guy friends, probably here to tell me that Noah was too busy to hang out with me tonight.

 Noah was my boyfriend. He was really cute but not very bright so he sent his friends here to tell me whenever he couldn't go out that night, because he was too dumb and I guess too scared for some reason to tell me himself.

 I must admit every time he ever told me he couldn't make it that night I got really mad, but that was no reason to avoid me like that.

Then I snapped out of it.

 My name was not Fiona.

 "You're here for my mom?" I asked very disappointed as I looked into his crystal blue eyes.

"Yeah, unless you want me to be here for you, because don't worry I'm always here for you babe." He said smiling and happily sighing.

 I felt my face heat up.

Omigosh, a guy that cute was actually flirting with me, in a weird, creepy, stalker sort of way but it was still counted right?

 "Uh,......uh,.......uh......I'll be right.....back." I said as I turned around like a robot and briskly walked back upstairs.

 I felt eyes on my butt so I ran out of view and into my mom's bedroom.

"Mom? There's a really hot guy downstairs that is unbelievably hot will you please tell me who that is?" I asked breathing heavily.

 "Hunny he's the babysitter." She said chuckling.

 "Oooh, are you joking?" I asked as I bit my lip to try to hold in my excited laughter.

"No." She said shaking her head.

"How, old is he?" I asked smiling.

 She shook her head again.

"19." She said.

 "Only two years older than me." I said with a big grin.

 "Hunny, I know this guy, and I know you really well so if you two do anything I'll know." She said.

 "Do anything? What are you talking about? Mom I'll admit I think he's very cute, with his big muscles, and probably looks really good with his shirt off and I'm really mad you never introduced him to me but I wouldn't do anything like that. Wait! What do you mean you'll know?" I said in a loud tone.

"I'm your mother, I'll be able to tell by your brother here and you know he's the champion of tattle telling, and I never introduced him to you because well I knew you." She said.

I shrugged and then agreed with her.

"Anyway, I need you to tell him I'll be down in a minute." She said.

 "Ok!" I said running back down stairs.

 He was smiling at the bottom of the stairs.

 "What's with you?" I asked tucking my hair behind my ear.

He squinted and pushed his lips out. I could tell it was his hot look to get girls, and I had to admit it was really hot.

 I raised an eyebrow but inside my heart was pounding out of my chest; it was pounding so hard I was afraid he would hear it.

 "What's that face about?" I asked laughing nervously.

 "You really think I'm cute? You think I have big muscles?" He asked smiling.

 I smacked my hand over my mouth and my eyes widened.

 I screamed in my hand and ran into the living room and hid behind the couch.

 I was so embarrassed.

 Dang, I just had broken the rules of playing hard to get.

Hope you guys liked it :) Thanks so much for reading. :)

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