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“So, I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons.” I read from The Perks of Being a Wallflower. “And maybe we’ll never know most of them. But even if we don’t have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there. We can still do things. And we can try to feel okay about them-“ Suddenly, a loud noise the volume of an incoming train filled the room and interrupted my reading. I literally almost fell out of bed. It was Pansy’s snoring. I let out a soft groan and rolled my eyes, and then I continued reading under wand light.

“Lumos…” I whispered. Just as I found my page, there was a small tapping on my windowsill. I whipped my head around and I cocked my head curiously. It was an owl. I pointed my illuminated wand near the window and I smiled. It was a large snowy owl with black specs all over its wings and back. It was one of the most beautiful creatures I had ever seen, and I knew just the person who owned her. Harry. I opened the window and she let out a soft hoot before flying in. She perched on the sill and I untied a piece of parchment from her foot. I let her have some water and seeds while I read the letter.


Meet me in our secret place near the Black Lake. I’m lonely and I’d like to talk to you about something.


My smile went bigger and I took out a sugar quill from my bedside table.

On my way!

After gently tying the parchment to her foot and stroking her soft feathers, I sent Hedwig off to deliver the letter back to Harry. Then I put on a hoodie and some slippers and snuck out of my dormitory.

It was about midnight, so you could see the moon and the diamond like stars clearly. It was a full moon tonight, which made it extra magical. The lake was cooler then inside the castle, so cold that I had to put my hood up. When I arrived at the edge of the lake, a shy smile crept across my lips as I saw Harry trying to skip rocks while sitting down cuddled up in a blanket.

“Why so tense Potter?” I whispered, trying to copy Malfoy. Harry chuckled and turned his head around.

“You know, you do a really good Malfoy impression…” he said softly as I sat next to him. He shared the blanket and we both looked up and admired the haunting beauty of the full moon. “I didn’t wake you up did I?” Harry asked nervously. I shook my head.

“Nah. Pansy was keeping me up with her snoring anyway. I swear to God that chick sleeps like an old man. I was reading of course when Hedwig came.” I said in amusement. Harry smiled weakly and sighed. “You’re nervous aren’t you?” I whispered. Harry nodded slowly.

“Yeah I guess. Anything can happen…” Harry paused for a moment. “Rory, you know those dreams I was telling you about? With a strange looking man, a servent for Voldemort named Peter Pettigrew and a weird baby?”

“Yeah. What about them?”

“I found out today from Professor Dumbeldore that the weird man was Barty Crouch Jr.” Harry confessed. My eyes widened.

“Barty Crouch’s son?! Who was sent to Azkaban for being a death eater?!” Harry nodded. “But like I said, he’s in Azkaban right?”

“Yeah… Professor Dumbledore says I should forget about the dreams, but I have a bad feeling about them. I-I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen…” Harry said uneasily. Then it hit me. The idea was crazy, but it could work.

“Forgetting what Professor Dumbledore said, Do you… Do you think that this guy could be the cause of these past events?” I asked. Harry stared off into the sky and avoided my glance.

“I-I don’t know Rory. I don’t know…” The two of us went silent and I looked into Harry’s scared eyes. Then, I gently took his hand.

“Well, what ever happens tomorrow or from this day forward, I promise I’ll always be there when you need me.” I whispered kindly. Harry looked at me with glassy eyes and gave me a genuine smile.

“You always know the right thing to say Aurora. Did you know that?”

The best part was for the rest of the night was that Harry never let go of my hand.

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