AN:You should check out Penny Dreadful on netflix.. Love it so far.. I can't wait for halloween...
I gotta death notebook
Written on the page
Is your fucking name
Like a hit list you'll be named
I gotta glock in my pocket
Do you wanna play?
Written in my calendar is your fucking date
Let the anger consume you I won't be blamed
Im not a fucking masochist so get in your lane
I won't be played
Im the master at this game
I may not be a sadist but I like to bring you pain
Your like a moth to a flame and I'm the one ablaze if you can't stay away I'll bring you great pain
Im like a wildfire
Tearing you apart
I got a special place for you
I'll mark you on my wallAN: The Vampire Diaries- Stefan likes to keep his victims name on a wall..
Poetry Or Words
PuisiWhen I'm hurting inside and my heart aches I write about it... it's not exactly poetry and my vocabulary sucks but I would like to share it.. shoutout to my friend Anna for recommending Wattpad.. Poetic Death is my Oh so dramatic screen name..