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"Harry thinks Draco Malfoy is a death eater" Hermione spoke, stroking her large (slightly obese) cat Crookshanks. Harry sighed, watching the trees slowly go by out of the train window.

"Hermione, I told you I honestly don't know what I think, let's leave this here" he hadn't slept in a few days and was getting slightly snappy and at this point he was just relying on getting to Hogwarts and talking to Dumbledore. Just get through the next hour

Ron, who looked (mentally) about a thousand miles away finally snapped out of his doze. "Sorry, what was that about death eaters" he said, rather loudly. "Quite Ron!" Harry snapped; automatically feeling quite rubbish about it. "Oh, sorry" Ron sighed.

Harry stood up, grabbing his invisibility cloak from the shelf above Ron. "Harry" Hermione sighed, knowing exactly where he was going. "Just going to see Luna" he forced a smile. It wasn't exactly a lie.

Harry made his way to the Slytherin compartment, jumping as someone tapped his shoulder. "How curious" Luna smiled oddly, a small pink fluffball making an odd noise on her shoulder "What do you mean?" Harry asked, trying not to act suspicious.

"You're sneaking around, Hm, well it's none of my business. Quibbler?" She offered him a newspaper, he smiled. "Save me one, I'll take it when we get back to Hogwarts, what is that thing on your shoulder Luna?" He asked, pointing at the odd purple thing. "It's a Pygmy puff! they've been known to sing on Boxing Day" she explained, "well I'll leave you, I've still got to give the trolly witch a quibbler. She loves them!" She left, walking on the tips of her toes. Her shoes sticking out of her bag.

He left smiling, Luna was a ball of light despite the dark times they were in. He walked up to the compartment he knew Malfoy was in. on the way he walked past a pair of Slytherin twins, their long black hair covering their grave faces, they both moved in unison, glaring at him like he didn't belong on this end of the train.

He reluctantly threw the instant darkness powder into the compartment and hid on the shelf opposite Malfoy and his friends.

"Fucking first years" Draco complained, not bothering to move.

Draco Malfoy's head was in Pansy Parkinson's lap. She was gently stroking his hair as they spoke about Hogwarts.

she must've said something that annoyed him as he sat bolt upright and moved to another seat, next to Goyle. Pansy reached out to grab his hand across the table. He smacked it and glared at her. "Why would Potter bring her" He snapped.

"apparently all the guys like her" Zabini said. Harry watched Pansy's hand make its way to Zabini's He wanted to slap her.

"that blood traitor. Her of all people! he has literally everyone in the school and he picks the blood traitor?! If I was the chosen one I'd pick someone worthy and Pureblood" Pansy smirked at him. He looked deep in thought.

"Blaise even thinks she's alright" Pansy smiled over at the slender Slytherin that was sitting next to her. "doesn't matter what she looks like she's still a blood traitor" He spoke, fiddling with a loose thread in his black shirt.

"Aren't you gay Blaise?" Draco sneered, hatred for the stupid Gryffindors. "We'll find out back at Hogwarts" Blaise winked. Draco rolled his eyes. "Sometimes I really hate you Blaise" he put his head on the table.

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