15: Crimson

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Draco awoke the next morning to the sounds of muffled cries from in his room, he was incredibly sweaty and he was surprised that he hadn't put his legs over the blanket, his pyjama shirt was stuck to him. His head was pounding and his right arm was killing him, he felt achy and he had no idea why.

He slowly opened his eyes and immediately realised where he was. He was lying on one of the many couches in the lounge. Feeling incredibly self conscious, he quickly sat up. "I don't understand... Mother?" He looked around and saw her weeping quietly to herself in a chair in the corner, a bottle of firewhiskey in her hand, she had tired looking eyes and she was swaying slightly in her chair.

"M-Mother?" He called out to her and she simply continued to cry, she kept whispering to herself, which was a sign of a Wizard of witch that's either drinking or going mad. He slowly rose to his feet, wrapping the thin blanket that was lying on top of him, round his waist.

He rushed out of the room and up a set of black stairs, the pattern on the railing was a greenish black snake that moved a bit when you touch it. He gasped as he entered his room, his blanket was lying in a heap on the floor a bit away from his bed, his bathroom door was wide open. Once he'd caught a glimpse of what was inside a tear slipped down his cheeks. The once shiny floor had blood stained all over it.

He suddenly remembered everything that had happened last night and fell back, his foot just about touching the pool of blood. He noticed his wand was in the middle of the crimson liquid.


Harry's eyes slowly opened, He was no longer in the Living room in the burrow. He was lying on Ron's bed and Ron was sitting on the floor, a blanket wrapped around him. Next to him was a slightly worried looking Hermione. They spoke in a low whisper. 

"What time is it?" Harry yawned as he sat up in the bed. "It's exactly 12:04" She said, "Everyone is downstairs. Mrs Weasley told us to sit up here and wait for you to wake up" She smiled. "It's late though! How could you let me sleep in this late" Harry smiled as Hermione hugged him. 

"Don't worry about what time it is, The wedding isn't until Two" she said as she sat down next to Harry, leaving Ron half asleep on the floor. "come on lets get something to eat" The weasley said and stood up. "I would've ended up falling asleep if I sat down there any longer".

"What's he doing here?" Ron asked curiously, The minister of magic was standing in the lounge talking to Molly Weasley. "Here they are!" She smiled and she ushered the golden trio to the minister. "May I talk to you three; alone please" He said as he sat down on a chair in front of a table. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat on the sofa opposite to the minister.

He lay a medium sized piece of fabric on the table and sat back. "And this is...?" Harry said awkwardly. "Herein is set forth the last will and testament of Mr Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore; First to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave you my deluminator; a device of my own making. In the hope that when things seem most dark, it will show him the light" He said, passing Ron a small peice of fabric, Ron unravelled the fabric and picked up the delluminator. 

"Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron asked as he held the delluminator, Mind you; He had no clue what it was or what it did. "Yeah" The minister said. "Brilliant; What is it" Ron asked, utterly confused. "W-W..." The minister had no idea.

Ron pressed one of the buttons twice and two balls of light flew from two of the lamps in the room, turning them off completely. He then pressed it again and the lights flew back to the lamps.

"Wicked!" He smiled.

"To Hermione Jean Granger; I leave my Copy of tales of beedle the bard; in the hope that she finds it Entertaining and instructive" He passed Hermione the book and she smiled as she took it. "Mum used to read me those" Ron said, breaking the awkward silence. "The Wizard and the hopping pot, Babbitty rabbitty and the cackling stump" He let out a laugh "Come on; Babbitty Rabbitty! no?" Ron said awkwardly and Harry just shook his head and Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"To Harry James Potter; I leave the first Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match at Hogwarts; As a reminder of the rewards of perseverance... and skill" He passed the snitch to Harry, who had a smile plastered across his mouth. 

"Is that it then?" Harry asked, his smile had faded. "Not quite" The minister started "Dumbledore left you a second bequest: The sword of Godric Gryffindor" Harry gasped. "unfortunately the sword of Gryffindor wasn't Dumbledore's to give away; as and important artefact it belongs..." "to Harry! it belongs to Harry. It came to him when he most needed it in the Chamber of Secrets" Hermione interfered in the Minster. 

"the sword can present itself to any worthy Gryffindor, Miss granger; That does not make it that wizards property. And in any event; the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown" 
"Excuse me?" Ron said, confused like the other two.

"The sword is missing" The minister said, "How'd you loose a sword? It's not like it can just disappear into thin air" Ron laughed and Hermione rolled her eyes, "Shut up" She laughed and Harry sat in silence. 

"I don't know what you're up to, Mr Potter but you can't fight this war on your own; He's too strong" and with that, the mister glanced around the burrow and then apparated. 

"Wow; He's a whole bunch of happy" Harry muttered and Ron laughed

****(I'm skipping the wedding party thing)****

"The ministry has fallen; The minister of magic is dead" The voice of Kingsley Shacklebolt filled the room, "They are coming, they are coming, They are coming" 

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