14: The Cruciatus Curse

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TRIGGER WARNING! This chapter contains a bit about self harm, It's pretty big. I'll say when to read and when not to. 


I lay alone in my bed. It's extremely late but in all honesty I don't feel like sleeping.
My body just felt achy. I feel disconnected from the world I live in, my face is drenched in tears and the metal-like taste of blood in my mouth. I tend to chew on the inside of my mouth, it stops me from crying, I let go for a mere second and the tears began to fall immediately.

Oh how I hate crying, It's just a show of how weak I am. The feeling of weakness /wiːk/ lacking the power to perform physically demanding tasks; having little physical strength or energy.

liable to break or give way under pressure; easily damaged.

TRIGGER WARNING: those who are easily triggered by self harm or are depressed I recommend you don't read this part.

I stood up, my bare feet hitting the cold wooden floor. My mind isn't clear and in all honesty I have no idea what I'm doing. I slipped on my slippers and grabbed my wand. I then began walking towards the bathroom; I tried getting my feet to stop, "please, please stop" I whimpered; Sounding so broken and helpless. "This is what happens to boys who don't listen" A voice hissed from the inside of my head, I screamed in pain, "P-Please no" I cried as I fell to the floor, my hands stuck in a praying position. "S-StOP I BEG YOU P-PLEASE!" I screamed "GET UP!" The voice yelled whilst laughing at the same time "WEAK!" it hissed. My dark mark surged with pain as I got closer to the bathroom. I looked into my mirror, I stood staring at myself. My blonde hair a mess, my eyes red and puffy and my light pink lips are badly chapped. I used to take pride in how I looked, I liked to appear wealthy to those filt-Lower classed students. 

before I could stop myself, I put my wand to my right wrist and a voice that wasn't my own whispered "Crucio"

I screamed in pain, B-BREATHE DRACO! It'll be okay calm down, your panicking. I kept screaming as red hot knifes sliced at the skin on my arm, I WANT IT TO END PLEASE!" I screamed as tears fell freely down my sunken in cheeks. the pain, oh the fucking pain. The pain was excruciating, My head felt heavy and I felt the need to throw up. "You deserve it though don't you Draco? Or should I call you Malfoy like Harry Potter does? HOW DARE YOU FALL FOR HIM!" He hissing voice screamed and I threw up and felt the pain get more intense.


There was continuous screams, Narcissa ran through the large mansion to find where the screams were coming from, Her black and white hair fell sleepily over her face, which like her sons; was extremely pale. "DRACO?! DRACO?! She screamed as she yelled Alohamora, Her sons door unlocked and she opened the door slowly...

He wasn't there. She ran through to his toilet and screamed, Tears began flowing freely down her face and she bent down to see if her son was alive. He was covered in blood and it was obvious that he'd used the cruciatus curse. "It'll be okay" She chocked as her son whispered up to his mother. "Tell Harry I love him" Draco said, his voice becoming distant. She got up and ran as fast as she could to the room Snape was sleeping in. "SEVERUS PLEASE!" She cried and her fist collided with the door several times.

"what?!" He yelled as he opened the door, he was obviously tired. " Draco... He used the Cruciatus curse on himself" She cried and her heart broke as she said those words. "H-He almost died Severus!" She cried "take me to him" He said and he grabbed his wand, muttered Lumos and they hurried to Draco's room. 

He was still lying on the floor. "Draco?" Snape said as he grabbed his left wrist to see if Draco still had a pulse. 

One beat

two beats

three beats


Four beats

Draco started violently shaking and He suddenly grew very cold, scars from the invisible knifes were evident on his skinny arms. "Narcissa stand back" Snape said quickly as he held Draco's shoulders down, pushing him to the ground. Draco stopped shaking but he became sweaty. "I-I-I Want P-P" Draco whispered, stopping mid-sentence as his mind progressed what he was saying. 

Narcissa was in tears, her body shaking as she wiped the tears with her sleeve. 

You can read on now.


Harry woke up, his head spinning and his hands clammy. "Harry!" Ginny gasped as she watched the boy who lived sit up. "Hey" He smiled as he wiped away a few beads of sweat from his forehead. Ginny gave Harry a hug, "What happened to George?" He asked as he glanced at the floor, There was a sleeping bag and George was lying in it, Fred next to him. 

Harry wanted company but every time he had it he just felt like whoever was there... wasn't. He felt like He was alive to only kill The Dark Lord, other than that everybody didn't give a shit about him. 

His vision blurred and he was thrown back on the couch, his head hitting the arm rest, sending him into a dazed sleep, He felt as though he was falling, his mouth stuck shut with tape and his arms tied behind him, his legs didn't matter. 

Suddenly The image of Dumbledore falling came into Harry's mind, FIGHT IT HARRY! He thought over and over. "This is far worse than anything I imagined" The comforting sound of Dumbledore's voice came into mind "They could be anywhere" Harry heard his own voice say. "To rip the soul into seven pieces..." Slughorns voice entered the darkness of Harry's mind. "Say if you did destroy each Horcrux..." "one destroys Voldemort".

"Liiieed to me!" The familiar voice of Lord Voldemort whispered. "Lied to me Ollivander" Voldemort pushed an old wizard against the wall, Harry couldn't see his face too well as it was kind of blurry

 (A/N he had a blurryface xD I'm sorry) 

 Harry's eyes opened and luckily it was still dark, He grabbed the essentials and threw them into his bag, He then left the Burrow as quietly as he could.

His scar was hurting madly, His heart was also aching for some reason. "where are you going?£ Harry Froze. He had almost made his way out of the land surrounding the burrow. "I need to get rid of him, He's getting stronger and stronger by the minuet" Harry said, squinting his eyes because the pain in his scar was incredibly intense and he couldn't see very well because of the darkness, he held out his wand and muttered "Lumos", the end of his wand lit up.

"What?! Without me and Hermione? Your just doing him a favour, Please just go inside and think this through" Ron pleaded, He was incredibly tired. "I can't cope! This is all too much" Harry said, hoping Ron would turn around and abandon him. "NEITHER CAN WE! Imagine what it's like to have such a big Family and with Bill in Egypt and Percy; wherever Percy is. Dad's at the ministry again, he left earlier, He'll be back though.." Ron said, his voice cracked. "Ginny has to leave to go back to bloody hogwarts, I'm terrified!" Tears started slipping down Ron's freckled cheeks. This was the first time Harry had ever seen Ron cry. 

"Harry; please" Ron whispered and Harry dropped his bag and put his arms around Ron. Ron cried into Harry's shoulder. It dawned on Harry how strong Ron is, No matter what happens Ron is always there to laugh or smile. "We wouldn't last a minuet without Hermione; don't tell her I said that"  Harry chuckled "Don't worry I wont" He smiled. They parted after a few minuets, Harry then grabbed his bag and Harry and Ron walked in a comfortable silence to the Burrow. 

A/N FIIIINISHED... This chapter xD I want to write some Drarry uuuuughhh

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