Me? A Model? Never Again... Ch 6

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Hey Everyone! I am so sorry for how long it has taken me to upload. School is killing me right now. Anyway, this is chapter 6. It was 7 written pages so I hope it isn't super short. I just want to thank my new and old fans for sticking with me and continuing to support me.

This chapter is dedicated to Nami98 because she was the first person that offered to make me a cover. If i could dedicate this to two people, i would also dedicate this to Annieeee98 for also offering to make me a cover. Thank you again for reading and loving this story so much! :D Oh, and this is not yet edited!!


Me? A Model? Never Again...

Chapter 6

The gymnasium was huge. It consisted of the main gym and a little gym and both were filled with people. The entrance of the gym was the most hectic due to the coordinators putting up the more widely liked jobs in the front.

The first booth I my eyes found was surrounded by boys due to the booth being for the NFL. On each side of the booth were what looked like scouts talking to their crowd. The next most popular booth was for the girls, and that booth just so happened to be for modeling.

Oh great. It just had to be modeling didn't it?

“Hey look Jesse! Why don't check out that booth.” Jordan said pointing at the modeling booth. I jumped slightly at hearing his voice. I had assumed he went to go introduce himself to all of the scouts along with the rest of the guys.

“No. I'm okay.” I responded turning my head away from that booth.

“Oh come on. You need to look around. Have some fun.” Jordan insisted while grabbing my hand and dragging me towards my impending doom.

As soon as we stepped in front of the booth, I knew all hope was lost. All over the board were pictures I had posed for throughout my years of modeling.

Jordan froze in his spot once he got a good look at the pictures. Very slowly, his eyes, full of disbelief, drifted toward me and then back to the pictures and once again back to me.

“Tess, is there something you still need to tell me?” He questioned.

“What! Psh...Ha...Psh...nooo....Okay yes, kinda.” I responded sounding sheepish.

“We need to talk.” He told me seriously, his eyes still holding disbelief.

“Okay, we will.” I said, “After school today we will hang out, okay?”

“He was nodding his head in agreement and was about to speak when the lady at the booth began her speech.

“Hello everyone.” She began giving everyone a brilliant fake smile that takes years to prefect.

“Now as you can see behind me, I have some pictures here with me. As some of you may know, this lovely young model here is named Jessica. She started modeling at the age of six.”

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