Me? A Model? Never Again... Chapter 7

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Me? A Model? Never Again.

Chapter 7

I ended staying over at Jordan's place with all of the boys until it started to get dark. After the boys finally grew bored with crushing me, I was able to sit on the bed with them all surrounding me for a few hours explaining my second life. Every single one of them was shocked at my explanation at first but once I reminded them that I was still the same person they were cool with it. Actually, they were pretty excited knowing that they were friends with a model.

Soon after thing cooled down, we all grew bored so Drew went and grabbed a movie. Once the movie was finished we all started to tease Jordan about his poster of me on his wall. It was amazing really how he never once saw the similarities between us and now that they knew, it was pretty obvious to the boys that we were the same person. So after much teasing and watching Jordan blush, he took down the poster before going to hide it somewhere.

Before we knew it, it was 10:00 pm and time for me to head home. Jordan drove me home and promised to pick me up the next morning considering my car was still at school in the parking lot. After saying goodbye to the boys, I quietly crept up the stairs and into my room where I proceeded to collapse face first onto the bed.


The next morning, I woke up really early so I was able to curl my hair after getting out of the shower. I didn't really bother doing much else though. Today, I had to show my face as not only Jessica the normal teenager going to high school but also as Jessica the model. I knew any makeup I put on for school today will be taken off later anyway by the makeup artist. Plus, it's better to try and look the complete opposite of how I'm going to look in a few hours. That way, it will be less likely that I will get recognized.

Soon after I finished getting reading and eating, Jordan showed up at my house. Together we drove to school in silence other than the radio playing softly in the background.

Before I knew it, we were pulling up to the school and into the parking lot.


Classes passed by really fast unfortunately. You know that saying 'time flies when you're having fun'. Well, apparently time also flies when you're dreading something.


School was normal. The boys and I went to our classes for the first half of the day and then when it was time for the careers part of the day to start I hurried to my car and drove home. The boys had decided that it would be best to stay at the school and wait for me to arrive than come with me.

As soon as I pulled up to my house I could see the people waiting outside for me. None looking very happy to be kept waiting. As soon as I stepped out of my car I was whisked away by God knows who, shoved in to the house and pushed into a chair. My hair dresser immediately got to work twisting and pulling on my hair while the makeup artist smothered my face with all sorts of products.

It felt like I was sitting there for hours on end but in reality, it was only for about 45 minutes. After they were finished making me look like the model version of me, they pushed me into the bathroom with the clothes I was suppose to put on.

When I came out fully dressed and ready to go they hurried me out of my house and into the waiting limo.

Being back in one of these things felt so weird to me. I had fully expected to never have to ride in one again, yet here I am. Sitting in the back while the driver takes me back to my school. I never expected I would ever have to pretend to be someone else again but here I am, a different person yet again.

When we arrive, the limo driver comes around to open my door for me. Everyone was already in the gymnasium looking at all the different booths so it was pretty deserted out front. The only person standing out there was the principle waiting to escort me to the gym just like 'my mother' had said he would.

Stepping out of the limo I mentally prepared myself for what was about to come.




Alright guys, so i think i owe everyone an apology. I know it's been way to long since i uploaded and a reason is long overdue. so this year is my last year of high school and i have so many things going on my head is spinning. I have letters of recommendation i need to get filled out and essays to my college applications to write. I have to write essays for scholarships and i have to keep up with all my classes. This year i am taking 2 AP classes and 2 honors classes. I am in line for an achedemic scholarship right now so im trying really hard to work on my classes. Im so sorry for how long you all have had to wait and im trying. i really am but i know it doesnt seem like it. i am so thankful for how much you guys have stuck with me and i hope you continue to do so. thank you all so much!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2012 ⏰

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