The ship sailed!!!!!

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A/n~ Hi everyone! One of the author's a.k.a Anny, that's me... I wasn't hoping to be doing the first part but, eventually the other author forced me too. *sighs*  Sorry this is is probably gonna be really bad.

Anny: This is a Garrence story!!! Or one-shot...whatever.

Laurence: Wat!!!!

Anny: Yo!!! Don't blame me!! The other author wanted to make a Garrence story and I agreed, so here I am!

Laurence: Let's just get on with this!

Anny: Excited are we now??? *smirks*

Laurence: *blushes*

Garroth: What's going on??

Anny: Garroth!!! *hugs Garroth* Your just in time!!!! Now LET'S GET GOING WITH THE PROBABLY HORRIBLE ONE-SHOT!!!!!

Third person p.o.v

  It was a beautiful day. So beautiful that Aphmau and the whole gang decided to go to an amusement park.
      "Hey guys, we should go to a amusement park!!!!" Aphmau smiled.
      "Kawaii~Chan will love to go to the amusement park!!!!" Kawaii~Chan exclaims.
Aphmau looked back at the others with a questioning look,   
    "Well, what you you guys think?"
     "Sure, why not." everyone agreed.
      "Yay!!!! Let's not waste any time!!!" Aphmau cheered.

~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Aphmau's happiness~~~~~~

      "Ok!!! We're here!!!!!" Aphmau cheered once again.
      "Shouldn't we split up since we're a big gang?" Dante suggested.
       "Mm.....Your right Dante, we should. Ok, we'll split into pairs!"

~~~~~~Another time skip brought to you by the author thinking 'I'm too lazy to type all the pairs, let's just get on with the Garrence fluff already!!!'~~~~~~

Laurence's p.o.v
   Ok, so Aphmau pair me up with Garroth. I mean I was hoping that she would pair me up with her but I'm not saying that I don't want to be paired up with him, he's my bro...maybe even more??? What am I thinking?!?! Garroth is probably gonna think I'm crazy.... *sighs*
        "dude, you ok?" Garroth's voice spoke up.
*sighs* That voice........ 'Laurence!!!! Stop thinking that way he probably doesn't even like you that way!!' I thought.

Garroth's p.o.v

        Aphmau paired me up with Laurence. I don't have a problem but it's just that... I guess you... would say that I...have...the...tiniest...crush...on...Laurence...Ok... I'm lying I have a crush on the Casanova. Laurence hasn't said anything. I better check if he's ok. Plus I heard him sigh. I spoke up with a little concern in my voice
        "hey, you ok?"
He sighs again. He looks at me. 'Wow, those eyes' I told myself. 'Garroth!!!!! GET IT TOGETHER!!' I mentally yelled at myself.
Laurence then blushes and replies back,
          "Um, yeah...I'm...fine."
That blush is so cute... 'GARROTH!!!' I mentally yelled to myself for the second time.
I gain all my composure back up.
         "Ok..I just wanted to check on you that's all." I told him with calmness and just smiled afterwards.
Laurence's eyes widened, then blushes a bit brighter and looks the other way. Later we find a few stalls with some fun games, Laurence challenged me that if one of us wins then the winner will take the loser to whatever stall and or ride they want. It was so cute!

~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by the ship is gonna sail soon~~~~~~

Laurence's p.o.v

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