(Sorry I haven't been able to update lately. My schedule is getting busier and updating will continue to be random for a while.)
I jolted awake as I felt something touch my skin. I immediately threw back the covers and kicked up my feet, hoping whatever it was would get out of my bed. When I heard a soft snore next to me, I remembered everything. Patrick rushed to my house last night in anticipation of a change. It never came, and he decided to rest here for a bit. His back was pressed up against mine. My alarm clock read 4:27 am. That's enough resting, my parents would be getting up for work soon.
I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, lightly pulling it back to roll him over. Once he was on his back, I gripped his shoulder tighter and shook softly.
"Patrick," I whispered. "You have to wake up." He made a quiet groaning noise and rolled back onto his side. I pulled his body back again. His eyes slowly opened, and when he realized it was me in front of him, he became less grumpy.
"Oh, right." He rubbed his eyes and slowly opened them again, blinking away the tiredness. "What time do your parents get up?"
"Five." I answered quietly. He glanced at the clock.
"Holy smokes!" He threw off the blanket and grabbed his shoes. I got up after him to lead him out. He grabbed my waist and gave me a quick kiss before saying, "Until next time." and walking out the door. I was still tired and went back to bed, hoping Patrick could get out without being noticed, and hopefully avoid a change for the next few hours. I vowed that as soon as I woke up I would call and check in on him.
I kept my promise. Six hours later, I was fully awake and dialed Patrick's number. He answered right away. I could barely even get out a greeting before he interrupted.
"Perfect timing! I think I just had my first change." My body tingled with both excitement and fear. I was a bit sad that I hadn't been there for him, but he seemed to be handling it well enough without me.
"Alright, how did it go?" I asked slowly. I was curious to know how everything went down. The line was silent for a while.
"I...don't really know. I think I blacked out half way through." That was weird. I only passed out when I completed the change for the very first time. Usually I turned back right before that part. "I remember it hurting a lot though."
"Yeah, that never really goes away, sadly. Do you need me to come over?" I could relate to the pain, but how much did he really have to go through?
"Sure if you can. Did you just wake up?" He asked.
"Maybe..." He giggled. "I'll be over soon." We hung up. I got out of bed and got dressed, jogging downstairs to grab an apple on the way out. As I stepped outside, the sun was no where in sight. Clouds covered every inch of the sky, making it look dark and angry.
A storm must be coming. I thought. I ran back inside and grabbed a light sweatshirt just in case it started raining later. I was thinking of asking Patrick to go back to the hill and look at the stars tonight. With my sweater in hand, I walked down the street, feeling the wind pick up. I really hope the storm could wait a few more hours. I really didn't want our night to be ruined. I then thought that was silly, since I hadn't even asked him yet.
I brought my focus back to the street and turned into Patrick's driveway. He opened the door when I was a few feet away and stepped outside.
Looking up at the sky he said, "Looks like a storm's approaching." I nodded and laughed.
"Thanks Captain Obvious." He smiled and nudged my side. I wrapped my arm around his waist and we walked inside together. I placed my bag and sweatshirt on his desk in the corner of the room. I quickly pulled them off when I realized it was covered in papers. They weren't there last time. I slowly set down my stuff and picked up a loose sheet.
"Alone Together?" I read out loud. Patrick looked up from his spot on the bed and instantly blushed. He jumped up and attempted to grab it out of my hand, but I turned around, out of his reach. I read the top line.
"I don't know where you're going but do you got room for one more troubled soul. Patrick, is this a song?" I turned to face him, wide eyed. He nodded, looking towards the desk. I slowly inched towards it, wondering if he would stop me. He didn't. I read the titles of a few more.
The Carpal Tunnel of Love, Grand Theft Autumn, What A Catch, Donnie, and so many more. Some of these lyrics were really deep and meaningful. I noticed that What A Catch, Donnie seemed sort of personal, so I let that one be. I could see him flinch when I picked it up, so I figured I would let him show me when he was ready. I then came across one that was only half finished.
"Headfirst Slide into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet?" I looked at him, holding up the sheet. He shrugged.
"The titles just come to me." I nodded and looked over some lines.
"Tempest in a teacup, get unique. Peroxide princess, shine like shark teeth." I read aloud. I almost dropped the paper. "Patrick you didn't!" He shrugged again, smirking.
"I liked it!" He said. I smiled, then frowned remembering how that conversation came about.
I set down the papers, a little surprised at what I had just read. His lyrics were genius, and I couldn't wait to hear how he sang them. I walked over to him and dangled my arms over his shoulders, lacing my fingers together behind his neck.
"Are you ever going to sing those for me?" I asked sweetly, almost begging him to.
He thought about it for a second. "Maybe." He winked, which meant definitely.
Just then we heard a loud crack of thunder. I jumped. We went upstairs and looked out the window, watching the rain begin to fall from the sky.
"So much for tonight." I said sadly. He looked at me, confused.
"What about tonight?" He asked.
"Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go to that place in the forest again. You know, watch the stars. My parents aren't expecting me home at a certain time so I thought it would be nice." I explained.
"It would be amazing, but I don't know when the rain will stop." I thought about ways we could still enjoy it even if it was raining. Since the lake was in the clearing, there would be no trees to stop us from getting soaked. I thought about using a tent, but then what's the point of looking at the stars if you can't even see them? Then I remembered that a few years ago my parents recieved a tent with a clear plastic top as a gift from my aunt Martha. It was weird at first, since we never went camping. She claimed it was for stargazing in the wilderness. I thought it was stupid then, since our family was far from outdoorsy. Now I was praising her.
"Hey! We actually have a tent with a see through top somewhere in the garage. It would keep us dry but we could still see." It was a suggestion at least. His face lit up.
"That sounds perfect!" I couldn't wait until tonight, but it was only noon. We sat in the window seat together and watched the lightning crack the sky, illuminating the dark clouds. Listening to the rain was calming, allowing me to get lost in my thoughts. Every once in a while the thunder would jar me back to reality. I noticed that Patrick would jump too, which was weird, because it was storming the day we met. I think he noticed me watching him, because he acknowledged it eventually.
"I never used to be afraid of thunder." Now that I think about it, neither did I.
"Me neither." I responded.
"Hm. Must be a werewolf thing." We laughed. I leaned my head against the cool glass and closed my eyes, wishing for the time to pass faster. Soon, we would be reliving that romantic moment of watching the stars together, and I couldn't wait.
-------I actually took the time to look up which songs Patrick wrote. Turns out he wrote like all of my favorites, which is no surprise honestly. He actually did write Alpha Dog which just worked out. Same with Headfirst Slide because I honestly didn't know that when I worked that into their conversation in the last chapter. Anyways, sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I will probably have to come down to only a few times a week instead of every day, just so you know. Please vote and follow for more updates, and thanks for reading!

Alpha Dog and Omegalomaniac (Patrick Stump Fanfic)
FanficBree struggled. She struggled making friends outside of the internet, and she struggled with being happy. But the biggest struggle of all was dealing with her terrible secret all alone. Then along came Patrick. ATTENTION: Patrick is 17 in this but i...