We figured we should probably set up the bed, just for looks. There was no way I was making him sleep on the floor. I wrinkled up the blankets a bit, making it look like they had actually been laid in.
"Do you want to make some popcorn? Maybe watch a movie?" I suggested. I wanted to make this sleepover appear as normal as possible. I was still a bit shocked that she was the one who offered to let him stay. I think it was finally occurring to her that I really REALLY liked him. And he was the only person who could honestly make me happy, just by looking at him.
"Sure, sounds good to me."
"Sweet. I'll go make the popcorn, you can pick the movie." I remembered the tiny collection of DVD's Patrick owned. He would probably freak when he saw mine.
Out in the hallway, my parents' door was already closed, meaning my mom had gone to bed. Or she just wanted it to seem that way. Either way, I crept past, careful not to make to much noise. I found a bag of kernels in the cupoard and tossed it in the microwave. A few minutes later the smell of salt and butter filled my nose. I dumped the steaming bag in a bowl and headed back upstairs.
When I arrived back in my room, Patrick was still hunched over the bin under my tv stand, searching for movies.
"Still looking, huh?"
He turned around, wide-eyed. His face was glowing with excitement. He looked like a little kid to be honest.
"You have so many of my favorite movies! How is this even possible?" He turned back around and continued searching. I smiled and leaned back on my bed. I had propped up the pillows, since sitting up allowed us to see the tv at an easier angle. He finally decided on one and popped it in the tray. I was curious as to what he picked, when the theme song drifted through the speakers.
"Ghost Busters?!" I laughed. He got up and nodded, a huge grin on his face.
"I love this movie!" I motioned for him to flick off the lights and come sit next to me. We threw a light blanket over our legs since it was a little warm in my room. I set the popcorn in between us so we could share. After minutes of us both munching on it, we stuck our hands in the bowl at the same time. Our fingers brushed. For a moment we paused, looked at each other, and then busted out laughing. What a cliche. This thing was supposed to only happen in movies and books, so it was hilarious when it happened to us. We finished off the bowl and set it aside, scooting closer to fill in the space where the bowl was. Patrick rested his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in.
An hour and a half later, the movie was over. As the credits rolled across the screen, I flicked the tv off, leaving us in complete darkness. I looked at the red numbers illuminating a tiny corner of my nightstand. It was only 9:15, my mom would definitely still be awake. I didn't want to get up, but I knew from experience that sleeping in my jeans was one of the most uncomfortable things ever. Patrick must have been thinking the same thing, because he pulled his arm back in and reminded me that he didn't bring things to sleepover.
"Maybe we should start leaving extra clothes at each other's houses, for moments like this." I said. I'm sure that this wasn't going to be the last unplanned sleepover.
"Good idea. I mean, I am wearing boxers, which is good enough I guess. And I could just take my shirt off." I nodded calmly in the darkness, but my mind was on fire. We both got up, but moved in seperate directions. I headed to my dresser to pull out pajamas, and he headed to the corner to take off his pants. Yikes. Now that I was thinking about it, I realized it sounded a little weird.
Oh well, I thought. Lots of boys sleep in their underwear. No biggie.
I grabbed a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt, that was a few sizes too big. Moving to the corner, I began to change in the dark. I had pulled off my shirt and pants, just pulling on my shorts when I heard Patrick move across the floor. I panicked a little, thinking about alerting him that I wasn't finished changing yet. I then figured that he was probably just making his way back to the bed. I started to unhook my bra when I felt his hand on my sides. I guess he wasn't getting into bed after all.
He delicately brushed the hair off my neck and kissed my shoulder softly. My knees went a little weak at his gentle touch. His hands moved to my shoulders,tracing his fingers along my bra strap, then pausing at the hooks. I wanted to keep going, but my brain reminded me that it was still early, and my mom could come in at anytime. I cursed myself for making him stop once again.
"Patrick," I whispered.
"Hm?" He replied quietly, lips still touching my skin.
"We should wait. My mom isn't asleep yet. And as much as I love you, I really don't want her to see us like...this." I gestured to our bodies. I turned around and faced him, wrapping my arms around his bare torso. I leaned my cheek on his chest, hoping he would be fine with my irritating suggestion.
"I know what you mean. But we've already taken a raincheck once today. And I want you so bad." I sighed.
"Trust me, I want this too. But I really think we should wait an hour."
"Okay." I felt a little bad for making him wait again, but I knew it was the right thing to do.
After I had put my shirt on, we sat back down on my bed, deciding to cuddle for a while instead. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approach my door. I panicked and pushed Patrick out of my bed, right onto the pile of blankets. I heard a soft thump, which must have been his body hitting the floor. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping the noise couldn't be heard from beyond my room. I slithered underneath the covers and pretended I was asleep, hoping he would do the same.
My door opened, and the light from the hallway flooded in. I opened my eye a crack and saw my mom standing in the doorway. She leaned slightly to the left, trying to get a good look at Patrick I assumed. I really hoped he had covered himself up a bit. Ten seconds later, the door was closed again, and the hallway light was off. Once I heard her bedroom door shut, I knew it was safe to talk.
"Patrick, are you alright? Sorry I pushed you." His blankets rustled and we were soon sharing the bed again.
"Yeah it's fine. I was able to get under the blankets right before she walked in." I breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Good. I was worried about that."
Silence. I felt Patrick slide closer to me, taking me in his arms. He kissed my forehead, then my nose, and finally my lips. It started out soft, but eventually we got hungrier for more. I felt his fingers gently tug at the edge of my shirt, lifting it off my skin. Hundreds of goosebumps appeared when his knuckles brushed against the lower part of my stomach. He pulled me on top of him, so my legs were straddling his hips.
"No more rainchecks." He whispered. I began to laugh, but was cut off by his lips on mine, once again.

Alpha Dog and Omegalomaniac (Patrick Stump Fanfic)
Fiksi PenggemarBree struggled. She struggled making friends outside of the internet, and she struggled with being happy. But the biggest struggle of all was dealing with her terrible secret all alone. Then along came Patrick. ATTENTION: Patrick is 17 in this but i...