Chapter 2

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The bell rang again for first period to be over. I gathered my things and walked to the door. I felt someone grab my arm.

" And just where do you think you're going?" Mr. Creb asked.

" To my locker." I shot back while turning to face him. He was just a little taller than me so I barely had to look up at him. His figure wasn't quite slim but he wasn't fat. His hair was a dirty blonde and he had a bit of a bed head thing going on.

"Casey," he started. "Do you even care about school?"

"Yes. I do care about school. I care about my grades. In all my other classes I have A's, B's and C's. But in your class, I have an F."

"And why do you think that is?"

"Because when I ask you for help you don't help me."

"Yes I do. You've never come in for help."

" I came in for help. Don't tell me I never came in." I said getting more pissed off as I stood there.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Casey. I- "

"Feel that way? I needed help and you wouldn't help me!" I snapped.

"Casey calm down."

"Are we done here Carl?" I asked calling him by his first name.

"No we ne- " I cut him off.

"It's done. Good talk."

I yanked my arm from his grip and left the room.

The bell rang for second block to start.

"Great." I said to myself trying to get my locker open.

"Having issues?" A familiar voice said from behind me.

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized who was talking.

"Yeah," i said getting really nervous knowing who was there. "What are you doing out here Tyler?" I asked feeling butterflies murder my stomach.

"Forgot my textbook." He said laughing a little through his nose.

My hands started to sweat making it hard to grip the combination lock.

I heard his locker slam. The next thing I knew, he was right next to me.

"What's your combo?" he asked.

"12-34-20." I said, my heart pounding in my chest.

"34...20," he said pulling down on the lock as it popped open. "There you go." he said giving me a half smile.

"Thanks Tyler." I say smiling at him like I had a mental problem.

"Yeah..." he says giving me an awkward look as he walks away.

I grab my Spanish things out of my cluttered locker and hurry to class realizing that I was almost 15 minutes late.

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