230 days before

190 16 3

You're meeting my parents today.

I tell you that they'll love you, almost as much as I do, but I think I'm trying to reassure myself more than you.

I don't even know why I'm so nervous.

Anybody would be crazy not to love you. I wonder if people look at me and think how crazy I am for loving you. For falling so deep in love. It's okay, though. You may not be perfect, but you're perfect to me.

Like I've told you so many times, you're a rarity. Somedays, I still expect to wake up and realise this was all a dream. I'd cry. I'd probably bawl my eyes out. But, after a while, it'll all be okay.

Because you're a rarity. I shouldn't expect to be the only one who you call yours. Maybe one day, I'll have to share you with someone else. I don't know if I'm ready for that. I don't know if I ever will be.

"Are you ready?" You ask me.

You're wearing a tuxedo. You look beautiful in it. Or maybe, it looks beautiful on you. I can't imagine it looking as gorgeous on anybody else. I don't want to.

I nod. I'm not sure whether I'm nodding to your question, or nodding just because you look so damn stunning.

It might be the latter.

The car ride to my parents' house is long and filled with silence.

We're both okay with that.

We don't need to speak to know we love each other unconditionally.

After a while, we find ourselves seated at the dining table I remember vividly from my youth.

My parents sit opposite us, and what they have between them is more of an old, traditional love. They only fell in love in their late twenties, and even then, I'm not sure they were even in love.

I have a feeling my parents were forced together by their parents, but after spending much more time together, they realised that the other was the puzzle piece they were missing in life.

That's why, when I told them about our little love story, they refused to believe that our love could have unfolded over a cup of coffee. They still refuse to believe that what we have is real.

I think my parents like you. I just don't think they like us.

As the night progresses, I can feel things change. And for once, I don't stop it.

You captivate my parents with your charms, and I'm just as affected by your charisma as they are. I feel myself falling for you over and over again. Nothing can stop me. I don't want anything to stop me.

As we head back to your place, home, I do what I always do. I think.

I think I've reached the peak of my ability to love you. But knowing you, you'll find some other way to make what I feel for you burst through the ceiling and straight into space. It's just what you do.

I think you're perfect.

I think there's no one else in this universe that I would rather give my heart to.

I think my parents are starting to believe.

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