Tessa Davis, A Newly Claimed Demi-God

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Hey guys, told you I would post a new story today... now just for the two chapters of Betrayed by Everyone... I got caught up with watching the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary sorry. I was still a bit upset about the role Rose played but you arent here for Doctor Who, your here for percy jackson! So here it goes!




I was a bit popular when I first started going to Goode, people thought I was cute and strong and muscular. I was enjoying school, until all the populars came. No one really liked them, people only pretended to for money. Well one of them asked me out and I declined because of Annabeth and they decided that I needed to be punished so now I have some bullies, not like I’m not used to it. I don’t care if the school hates me. I get to go to Camp Half-Blood after school anyway so Annabeth can help me with my homework. I am a straight A student because Annabeth insisted that she tutor me and after a while she found away where she can really help me learn. “Hey Freak!” snorted Maria, the head of the popular’s. I sighed and jumped when she stuck her foot out. I can’t wait till gym… the only class I don’t have to work on. I cursed in greek at her and kept walking. Annabeth had Thalia manipulate the mist so all of my teachers think that I can’t read English, I can only speak it so I have to use Greek textbooks. Plus Paul, who wanted to help me with the whole bully thing but I declined. It didn’t bother me; I have enough friends at camp half-blood. It was finally time for English and I hurried inside to my seat

“Hey Percy,” greeted Ms. Charles, my teachers all knew about the populars but I told them not to interfere. Words don’t hurt me and they don’t have the strength to beat me up. No one does in this school, I heard that we had a new gym teacher in gym and I was anxious to me him/her. Double English went by pretty quickly because I actually enjoyed it. I would be able to answer the questions and read the board because she used a smart board so there was the greek translation on the side. I had Gym right after Double English for some odd reason. I walked in and saw the person I didn’t expect to see until I got to camp. Will Solace.

“Will?” I asked in shock, running up to him.

“Hey Perce!” he cheered, patting me on the back. People were looking at him in shock, he was my age but he was a gym teacher.

“You teach?” I asked.

“I also take classes here, Paul matched my schedule with yours. This is the only gym period I teach, the rest is some other guy. The mist comes in SO much handy sometimes. “Get to your seat, I don’t really think you’ll be too happy with the unit we start on…” he said, traling off when he heard a bus park outside. When I heard a voice singing a horrible haiku I rolled my eyes.

 “No way, were doing archery and that’s cool and everything but um… you had to invite Apollo?” I ask, as the singing got louder but I heard more footsteps and I saw two figures appear in front with a bunch of kids anxiously waiting behind them.

“Artemis, Apollo, the hunters, Annabeth, Clarisse, Grover, Nico, Jason, Leo, Piper, Frank, and Hazel.” He tells me, my face lights up.

 “Seriously?” I ask in surprise.

“Yeah, but they are only going to be here for gym. I’m telling the kids that they are a partner school and they are going to be with us for gym because Mr. Blofis has ordered a not so regular gym year for this class. Archery, Sword Fighting, Rock Climbing, Sword Fighting, Swimming, Rock Climbing, Swimming, and Sword Fighting in that order.” He told me, that is SO awesome. Maybe I can show these people up and get less hated! Annabeth stormed around the group and tackled me almost hitting the kids behind me.

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