Chapter 6 - Breakfast

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Idk man. I just love this. ^^

The next day, Rapunzel got lost trying to find her way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Somehow, she'd ended up in the basement. It wasn't all bad, though. She ran into Hiccup just as he was leaving the Hufflepuff common room. "Hiccup!"

The boy looked around and smiled when he saw Runzel. "Hey there, Rapunzel. What are you doing down here?"

The girl blushed a bit. "Well, I was trying to find my way to breakfast, but I got lost and..."

"I remember the way back from here," Hiccup said.

"Really? Great! Maybe you should be in Ravenclaw," she said with a little laugh.

It felt good, to laugh with a friend for once, Hiccup thought. People didn't like to talk to him much back on Berk, and they weren't exactly nice about it, either.

They talked about various things along the way, and once they got it the Great Hall, Rapunzel said, "Hey, why don't you sit with me today?"

"Is that allowed?"

Rapunzel shrugged. "I'm guessing it is. There are a couple Ravenclaws sitting at the Gryffindor table."

And so there were.

Hiccup smiled. "Okay!"

They'd just sat down when Rapunzel jumped up again. "I'll be right back," she told Hiccup. She raced towards the entryway.


Jack had woken up and... the room looked exactly the way it had the night before. At first, he didn't think it was morning, but one of the boys - Was his name Flynn? - was already walking out the door.

He threw the blankets off and changed into his uniform. As he walked down to the common room, he thought, I hate this thing... He'd expected Rook to be waiting for him, but she was nowhere to be found.

He walked to the Great Hall, but got a tiny bit lost. Needless to say, he was a couple minutes late to breakfast. But once they'd gotten there, he headed towards the Slytherin table.

However, he found his way barred by a girl with crazy long blonde hair. "Hey, Rapunzel."

The girl smiled. "Do you and Rook want to sit with me at the Ravenclaw table? Hey... Where is Rook?"

"Uh, sure. That sounds fun. As to wherever Rook is, I have no idea. I thought she was already here. She wasn't in the common room. And she doesn't seem like the type to sleep in."

Just then, the girl walked right into Rapunzel. "Sorry," she murmured, before recognizing her. "Oh! Um... Hi."

"Where were you?"

"I was, uh... I got lost."

Rapunzel smiled a little, but knew she wasn't telling the truth. "So did I. Do you want to sit with us? At the Ravenclaw table?"

"Um... Not- not today. Sorry, Rapunzel." Rook smiled at her apologetically, but walked on to the Slytherin table.

Rapunzel looked after her, with a hurt expression on her face. "I'll talk to her," Jack said, in an effort to cheer her up.

He walked over to the Slytherin table and sat down in front of Rook. "Hey."


"No need to be rude, you know. Rapunzel's just trying to be nice," Jack said.

"I know, but- Look, it's nice of her to offer, but I'm okay here."

"No, you aren't." Jack stood up and picked up her bag. "Come on." He started walking towards the Ravenclaw table.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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