im so pumped for fall stuff ong i love it
im taking choir for the first time in like 4 years, 3 high performance classes, 1 ap class, a math class i hate, going to a new scary high school, trying out for musical, possibly something for dance team, conformation classes, in the senior dance class, on the elite diamond team, trying to make friends, trying to support og friends at stuff, trying to support new school at stuff, taking a bus for the first time, and people wonder why im anxious
i had a psl today and.....omg i can't
also the batista may have been flirting with me but i didnt realize till like an hour later
should i start part 2 of this book at the start of school, or at the new year?
antisocial pessimist
Randombut usually i dont mess with this °2016° ○eighth grade/fresman year○ here's where i come to talk about my problems instead of actually dealing with them