bikini body by darwin and r. city
capsize by FRENSHIP and emily warren
overnight by jake miller
blow your mind by dua lipa
aint my fault by zara larson
aint no saint by peg parnevik
im stuck. my mom is the only one in my family who can drive. we have one car. my mom works 7am-6:30pm mon-thur and 7am-10pm fridays and Saturday and Sunday nights. shes pretty stressed for various reasons. i want to do social things and actually have a social life but i feel guilty if i make her more stressed. but i need to do fun things. i cant be at home 24/7. i have to enjoy my life.
once i got over the initial stress, i realized im in high school. and ive been waiting for this 5ever.
the last party i went was a pool party for dance, thrown by my fav britt
antisocial pessimist
Randombut usually i dont mess with this °2016° ○eighth grade/fresman year○ here's where i come to talk about my problems instead of actually dealing with them