The Confrontation

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Mai's POV~

It's been about three weeks since everyone left to go investigate the case with Naru and Lin. Monk called me saying they were going to arrive at my house around 9:00pm today. I can't wait to see everyone (excluding Lin and Naru of course). Today I didn't have to work so I was preparing a welcome home dinner. Monk's friend Ryan, the police officer whose been staying at my house, had to leave because of an urgent call. So right now it's just baby Toma and I in the house until 9:00pm. It's 2:30pm right now so I have enough time to prepare, first things first, I have to go grocery shopping.

~At the grocery store~

"Toma, what do you think I should make?" I asked him as he replied with baby talk. "Hmmm... I was thinking the same thing. Ribs it is!" I said smiling at Toma. I might look crazy talking to him, but I think babies can understand us, plus they learn more if you talk to them. I put four packages of ribs into the cart. "Lets see.. oh yea you need more diapers," I said as I pushed the cart to the baby isle. "Ah there they are," I said looking up at the usual diapers I buy, "I'm so short, I don't know if I can reach them."

"Hmmm?" I look both ways. I feel like I'm being watched... and I'm the only one in this isle, right now... I should play it off. "Oh look Toma, there's one right there," I push the cart to the other side of the isle. Luckily for me, I found another box that's not that high. "Lets go get, vegetables and the cake I ordered," I told Toma leaving the isle with him. I pushed the cart into the vegetable section of the grocery store, still feeling as if someone is watching me. I feel a little bit safer since there were more people on this side of the grocery store.

Once I finished getting the veggies, I went straight to the cashier to buy the things I had. After that I quickly got out of the store, I don't think the person is following anymore. I quickly put the groceries in the back of the car and put toma in his car seat. I put the cart in the cart thing that was next to the car luckily. I got into the car and drove away from the grocery store. I noticed someone ducked behind a car as I was in reverse, too bad I couldn't see who it was. Once I got out, I drove to the bakery where Mori-san was waiting for us in the pickup parking space with the cake.

"Ah, Mori-san. Did we make you wait?" I asked as I lowered my window. "Not at all! I just barely went outside," Mori-san replied as he handed me the cake, "Welcome them back for me okay?" I put the cake, at the bottom of the passenger seat, "I will!" "Ryan isn't with you, right? If you feel like he's trying to get into your house. Call me right away and I'll rush there in an instant okay?" Mori-san changed his expression from friendly to serious. "Hai! Don't worry I don't think he'll be back anymore, but if something happens I'll call you. Thank you for worrying about us," I smiled brightly as I patted his head. "No problem Mai-san. Well I better get back. Text me when they get to your house so I know your safe. Also tell them welcome back for me," he said as he poked my forehead Then backed away a bit. "Okay!" I said as I waved goodbye and drove away.

~8:30pm at Mai's House~

"Okay~! Let's see... Decorations, check! Food is almost ready, check! Baby taking a nap, check! Cake, Check! Changed, Check! Cleaned the house, check! The boys..., no check... I wonder where they are? They should be here by now. Hmmm... I'll call them," I said as I pulled out my phone and dialed ____.

Phone call~

_____ : Hello?
Mai: Hey. Where are you guys???
_____: Ah sorry Mai! Where on our way! Our desserts got mixed up with someone's.
Mai: It's okay! But they'll be here soon, so hurry as much as you can.
____: Will do Mai! Bye!
Mai: Bibye!

End of phone call~

I hung up, I hope they make it. *Knock knock* Huh? Are they here already?! I rushed toward the door, not even looking at who it was, I opened the door with the top slide lock still on. "Welc- W-what are you doing here?! You can't be here!" I said turning my happy smile to a frown. "Awww. What the matter Mai? Can't the father of your child come visit?" said the man in front of me. "I told you many times you can't be 100 meters from this house let alone both me and Toma!" I said standing my ground even though I'm kinda scared of what will happen. "Hahaha, silly Mai. A restraining order is just a piece of paper. I don't have to follow it," he said as he tried to push the door open but he couldn't. "Leave now or else, I'll call the police!" I said as I tired closing the door but his foot was in the way. "It doesn't matter cause you have my baby so I have the right to see him," he said trying to push the door open again. "Leave now!" I screamed which woke up the baby. "Awww. Look at what you did. You woke up Toma up. Don't worry baby, daddy's coming!" He yells as he kept trying to break open the door.

I backed up then grabbed my phone and started dialing the police until I hear a grunt. I look up to see him on the ground, "ugh..." I peaked through the little opening to see what happened. "Didn't I make it clear, to never go near Mai or Toma again!?!? Leave now before I call the police so they can take you to prison for violating the restraining order," Monk said as he lifted him up and pushed him away from the door.

"Tch.. bad timing. I won't let you stop me from seeing my child you hear! You will be mine again Mai!" He said as he limped away. "You should have thought of that when you mistreated her," Monk whispered as he tighten his fists. "Monk...," I whispered as I unlocked the slide lock and opened the door slowly. "We're back, Mai! Did you miss us," Monk turned around with a smile on his face.

I'm trying so hard to write these. I just realized why I haven't been able to write these. I've been
Anime deprived. I haven't watch anime for a while and I would usually watch at least 3 episodes a day so I'm trying to watch more anime so I can keep writing theses chapters. I'll be revealing his name and Mai's past next chapter. :3 love you all😘😘😘😘😘

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