Out of Body Experience

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Mai's POV~

When I unlock the door and saw Monk's goofy grin; I couldn't help myself and go straight for a hug. When I hugged him, it felt a bit lighter on my shoulders. I wanted to stay longer in his arms, but the baby's cries brought me back to reality. I quickly let go and so did monk, we both went straight to my room. As I reach my room, Toma was on his back crying. Poor guy must have been scared from all that screaming downstairs. I picked him up and reassured him it was okay. Within a few minutes, he was fine. Monk grabbed him and pulled me into a hug, "I'm glad you both are safe." His tone was soft and serious, making me wonder if he couldn't focus on his job.

~After the welcome home party~

Monk and I went to bed after we said our goodnights to our friends who were sleeping over. Toma was already asleep in his crib that was on my side of the bed. After brushing our teeth and putting our PJs on, we headed off to dreamland. After today's events, I needed a good sleep...

~ a few minutes later~

No one's POV~

Mai opened her eyes, blinking for a bit from her sleeping haze. Once she fully recovered her eyesight, she was face to face with sleeping herself. A gasp escaped her mouth, she hasn't had a lucid dream in years. As she looks around inspecting the room, she spots a dark shadow going down the stairs. She hesitates but gives in and follows the shadow down the stairs. Even though she doesn't sense what the shadow's intentions are, but she knows she can't ignore it. It feels like she is being personally called by the shadow, even if she resists, she can't stop following it. As she walks into the living room the whole room changes into a cold dusty basement.

The basement was nearly empty besides a chair with a rusty old chain next to it. An old heater that seems to never be used and had collected dust over some years. Slowly Mai made her way up the stairs and opened the door before she walked into the other space. She noticed the mysterious looking door which seemed to be also the lock. The door seemed to be like a brain puzzle, which seemed like it came out of a Harry Potter book. She looked around once more, this seemed to be more like a basement. There were stacks of neatly labeled boxes in all corners, the boxes also covered the way she came in. Someone seemed to purposely block the sight of it, so she could not see the way in or out.


Hey guys! So I've seen a lot of people were commenting about how the characters were older than one another so this is actually how old they are in the story.

Mai - age- 22

Monk -age- 26

John -age- 24

Ayako -age- 26

Yasuhara -age- 23

Masako -age- 22

Naru -age- 23

Lin -age- 27

Toma -age- 1 year and a half (Mai had him at 21 years)

Felix -age- 23

Sorry I didn't make it clear. I thought I had put their ages in the beginning of the story... Well see you next time.

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