Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6

My first kiss is to be taken by a guy I cannot stand. As much as I want to kiss him, something I've actually been considering for the first time, I really do detest him. But of course, being the same old me, I find him to a mystery. Like he has a secret I don't know, a secret I want to find out. I want to know what makes him tick, what irks him, what he likes, how he tastes, what he smells like in the morning. All these things I've never wondered about a boy before, but all things that I wish I didn't want to know. He's a bad boy and that's why I'm lured into him. Something about his persona. And now today's my wedding day yet I'm marrying a guy I hardly know, let alone tolerate.

Apparently, from what I've been told, I look gorgeous. I feel it too. Everything from my hair to my 5 inch stiletto white heels bedazzled down the outline. Harrys stylists really outdid themselves. For once I feel like I am pretty and worth it, though inside I'm still the girl forced to marry a boy she doesn't feel for. When I thought of marriage, I thought of a passionate love that could never be broken, that's what links them together for nothing else would break them apart by the tie of the knot. I use to dream in highschool how some day i'd have a boy who cares and I would always just blush at the mention of his name. But now, when I think of what I'm doing right now, all I feel is emptiness because of how wrong this feels.

"Taylor, it's time." My mother says from the door, smiling gently, snapping me from my thoughts. I sigh, standing up from my sitting position between the two stylists spraying last touches of hairspray. "Sweetie, you look magnificent."

"Thank you, mom. Probably better looking than i'd ever have looked if this was a voluntary marriage." I chuckle sarcastically, knowing to be careful around Harrys hired help just in case they don't know this is a fake wedding. Mom scowls.

"Taylor. This is a very kind thing of the Styles' to do, just please be grateful and try to enjoy your wedding day.." She breathes out, her voice tired. I hold back my scoff of being grateful to Harry for the sake of mothers' sanity.

"Yes mother." I state with a forced smile, following her to the double doors of the entrance. She smiles back, this one true with tears gleaming in her eyes.

"I love you, sweetheart. You look amazing, now go make Harry wish this was a marriage by choice." Mom says, embracing me and kissing my cheek lightly. I grin back in return as I hear the bridal tune begin to play.

My feet effortlessly carry me down the aisle to the gasping of guests. At first I think my dress is ripped or I did something but I soon realize they're all gaping at me. My eyes meet Harrys and I begin to process the idea his people explained to me of acting. "Pretend you're desperately in love in public." Was what they had said. He looks absolutely dashing in a tight form-hugging suit that revels his broad shoulders and slim yet muscular legs. His hair is neatly slicked up though, not as if he had been blowdried like the first time we met. He looks perfect.

Finally I reach the steps where I'm helped up by the best man and where our hands are joined at our middle. Composure, composure. "You look stunning." He whispers in the small amount of time we have to get settled on stage. I smile lovingly back, unsure if his statement was acting or serious but all the while sticking to acting myself. "Thank you, as do you."

The priest nods to both of us and goes through the rituals of common recitations until it finally winds down to our vows. Harry stares me straight in the eye with so much conviction that I actually think for a split second that he's serious. If I was a bystander i'd believe it. "I do."

"And you, Taylor, take Harry Edward Styles to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, forever and always?" I almost choke out laughter at that part, pretending to be studying the art of the wall. If forever is a year, then yes, forever and always.

Well you aren't the only good actor, Styles'. I look sweetly into his eyes, my lips pursed with a curl of a smile. The crowd all sighs at once at admiration for my longing look. Score. "I do."

"Well then, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" He announces. I brace myself immediately but instead of a Harrys lips on my own, I find his just above my own. It looks convincing but no one can see that our lips never actually touch because of Harry blocking the view of the audience. Finally I'm lifted back in my position with a sigh and smile widely, more of relief than happiness. I still have my first kiss intact basically. He didn't kiss me, I should be relieved... right? Then why am I disappointed?

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Styles!" The priest announces as we link arms and walk out down the aisle through the blanketing confetti and whoops of congratulations.

We spend the rest of the night greeting guests, well I do at least. Harry is over with his blonde headed friend, whom I learned name is Niall, drinking their body weight in alcohol. With him out of the picture, I'm left alone trying to hold off people I've never met before by kindly sidestepping their questions of the whereabouts of Harry, saying he's either at the bar or somewhere around here greeting people. People are starting to talk so I better find him before we get more ridiculed by his famous friends he cares so much of wowing.

I finally find him double overed a trashcan, obviously ridiculously drunk. I smirk, crossing my arms and waiting for him to stand. When he does, he takes his sleeve and wipes his mouth, turning to where I stand in the doorframe. "and what do you want? He says flatly.

"For you to actually greet some of your guests before the people you're trying to impress in the first place cease to believe this is a real wedding." I retort. He balances himself on a counter.

"Fine. Put on your pretty little smile, sweetheart because in order for them to believe us now, we gotta be a lot more than in love." He smirks, pulling me out the door, suddenly looking a lot more sober at the mention of his friends. He laces our hands together, tugging me toward a couple of well-dressed people I recognize as Angelina Jolie and Tom Cruise. My heartbeat immediately picks up at the sight.

"Tom, Angie! How are you?" Harry booms, slapping Toms back and pecking Angelina on both cheeks. Tom turns to me with a crinkle-eyed smile.

"And this must be your stunning wife!" He exclaims, kissing my hand which causes me to blush. Harrys lips pull back into a wide smile, pulling me closer to his body.

"Sure is, and hands off, T. She's all mine." He rumbles, the vibrations of him so close to my ear causing my back to splinter in desire. His lips mash into my cheek, causing me to blush.

"Men.." I roll my eyes at Angelina who looks at me and laughs along. Nodding, she motions toward Tom. "I know right, wait until your first week together. They're a handful.." She laughs.

Suddenly, she takes my hand and pulls me off to the side away from the boys. She releases her grip and stares, "I never thought Harry could find true love until today, the way he looks at you, it's no act. He's tried acting like he's in love before and it's never worked with me but this wedding just proves to me how happy you make him. Just, thank you, Taylor." I blush bright red. I never thought Harry could be such a talented actor to fool the great Angelina Jolie. Props to him.

"The pleasures all mine." I force a grin.

"Literally..." She laughs, punching my arm. I blush. "No seriously, how is he in bed? Oh god I'm pushing it and we just met, sorry I didn't mean to intrude."

I giggle nervously, "No, no, you're fine. Actually we-um- haven't done that.." I trail, biting on the inside of my mouth in compliance. I swear Harrys friends are definitely out willed though.

"Seriously? Harry never does that, that's a first, are you new in town or something?" She laughs. I stare down at my heels, my cheeks not cooling down under the lamplight.

"No, no. It's just- you could say we've never really been involved in eachothers lives until now." I say, picking my words carefully. It seems to work as Angelina nods, pushing me back towards Harry where we greet more and more guests, all the while having to be more and more intimate with eachother, led by Harry.


•• A/N••
Catching fire is so good ugh, saw it today. By the way, this chapter I just put together Angelina and Tom together just off the top of my head but I have no idea if they're dating but in this, they are, so.
Love you

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