Chapter 24:

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•• A/N
I wrote this and it deleted:/

Chapter 24

Harrys fist meets the air dangerously close to the young actors jaw, sending him in a fake slide towards the wall, his head banging into it. He looks up lazily, his eyes half there and half not, fake blood dripping from his lip and nose. Harry rips him up again by his shirt, his grip pinning the actor to the wall. He lowers his voice but doesn't soften it, "Don't you ever dare get near Dani, ever again. Ever." He snarls.

The camera pans out to take in the bar scene in which Harrys love interest is being checked out by her abusive ex. If you ask me, it relates a lot to me and John. Shivers run down my crossed arms at the thought of how real this situation could be if John and Harry ever meet. I definitely need to keep them apart, as if seeing John wasn't an area to avoid as it is. But if this was real, I doubt Harry would stop his beating.

He drops him to the ground, sending a bone-chilling glare at the lifeless figure sprawled in a bloody mess on the ground. Dad shouts cut and Harry strides towards me. His face is sweating and red, veins popping out with his knuckles clenched. He's obviously picturing someone he'd like to pummel. I hear dad shout that they'd pick up in 5 minutes with Trevor, aka Harry, and Dani's scene when she sees Patrick bloodied on the floor.

As soon as he reaches me, I pull him down with my hand on his cheek, gazing softly into his eyes. His jaw is tense, trying to avoid eye contact. "Hey, look at me. Who are you thinking about?"

He sighs, "That John guy, Ed, anyone who has ever or could have touched you." I smirk at him.

"You know you were my first and my last, Harry. And you know I would never love anyone else but you, and did you say Ed? I thought we went over this, Eds my best friend, I told you he has a girlfriend too." I force Harry to meet my gaze. He nods solemnly.

"He's a guy and I don't want any guy around you." His tone is possesive.

"You're really cute when you're jealous." I smirk up at him.

"I was going for hot." His tension easing up a bit to tease me. I grin up at him and peck his lips.

"Mmmm, that too." I murmur against his lips, dipped down by Harrys cradling arm and overlapping our lips passionately. I slowly pull apart and stare straight at him, our faces still close together.

"I don't ever want to see you do that scene to anyone in real life, ever. I don't care what happens, don't you ever hurt someone like this. Do you understand?" I say softly. In no situation would I want to see Harry the perpetrator of a brawl of this caliber. I wouldn't be able to look at him the same knowing he could do that to someone.

He nods, obviously a little stirred that I'm being stern and demanding with him. He's usually the one in complete control and that's why he gets what he wants.

"Back to places, people!" A voice calls, causing Harry to glance back. He smiles half heartedly at me, pecking my cheek and walking backwards.

"One more scene and I'm yours!" He calls as he walks toward the set. I sigh and admire him, the way he walks, his body, everything.

The zipper to our shared tent opens, revealing Harry, gliding in. He loosens his tie, which is the apparel for the most recently filmed scene, and tosses it towards his suitcase. He sighs, plopping down on the bed in a heap. I make my way over to him, sliding across the bed behind him, my hands traveling under the backing of his shirt. He groans at my touch, my hands kneading his tense shoulders and neck. He lets his head fall forward as I continue.

"How stressed are you? You're so tense, babe." I whisper into his curls. His skin is warm but barely moves under my massaging.

"Very. Going without even seeing you next to me is stressful as it is, but with work on top of that.." He lets out a exasperated sigh.

"Well, here. Lets talk. Tell me all your secretsss." I grin at him with a taunting look, crossing my legs as he turns to face me on the bed. He laughs quietly, leaning back on his arms while I lay face first facing him.

"What do you want to know?" He asks nonchalantly, gliding his tongue over his lips calmly. Now or never.

"About your sister." I raise my eyebrows at him and swing myself by pulling my feet back and forth. He freezes and his eyes get wide, dark in the light. Thats probably not the best way to bring it up though.

"W-what? How do you know about her?" He stumbles quickly over his words, suddenly distressed.

"Hey, relax, okay? Ed's girlfriend knows her, or knew her and told me about Gemma." I explain, leaning forward to examine how nervous he is. "Why are you so worried about me finding out about her?"

He frowns, "I don't want her to be exposed to me at all, she's too innocent for me to come in her life setting a bad example."

"Harry, for one, she's your older sister and two, you aren't a bad example.."

"Not since you.." He trails, a smile tugging at his pink looking lips. They suddenly look delectably attractive.

"Then why don't you visit her? I want to meet her!" I exclaim, bouncing a bit with giddiness. I want to know as many of Harrys family as possibly. Anything to relate and see where he gets his traits from.

"You really would?" He looks surprised.

"Of course, what kind of sister-in-law would I be?" I laugh.

He leans closer to deepen into a kiss. "Then it's settled. But only for you."

"Don't lie, you want to see her too." I say though his lips are kissing my stomach. All he does is respond with a murmur.


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