Chapter 23:

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Chapter 23

"Harry, Harry look! That is a big giraffe." I mimicked Harrys constant outbursts which he had been bleating. He had nothing to do for the rest of the day I arrived so to my request, we scheduled a safari tour.

He frowns and crinkles his nose at me.

Harry tips my safari hat toward over my eyes which I pout at, sticking out my tongue. "Hey!"

"Dork." He murmurs which he covers with a cough.

"Jerk." I tease back under my breath which we both burst out into laughter over. My attention turns to the large female lion that carries a small cub near a tree trunk. The lioness licks it and drops it softly into a field of grass next to two other cubs, then lies down around them. Harry notices my stare and follows it, smiling at me more than the cubs. I shoot him a confused look.

"You really want to be a mother, don't you?" He observes with a smirk. I turn my head sideways at him. How can he tell just by me watching a lion and her cubs?

"And where do you get that?" I raise my eyebrow.

"You look so fascinated and... I don't know, it's just mothering traits. You remind me of my mom watching my... I mean me.." He stumbles at the end. He was about to mention Gemma. I really need to talk to him about her but here's not the place and nows not the time.

I do want children, someday.. maybe. Not now though... or do i? I don't know!

"I don't know... someday.." I laugh it off, clicking a picture of a hippo floating in a bed of water.

"Well, when that day comes, I hope it's me that I get to raise your children with." He smirks at me, gently turning my head towards him by my chin. His curved lips lightly brush mine, sending a smile spreading across my face.

"Oh definitely." I whisper against his lips, pecking then softly before turning back to the beautiful landscape. He holds up his phone up to face us with a giraffe right behind, snapping several self-called selfies of us with the large animal.

I chew on my bottom lip, walking hand in hand onto the films camp set where all the actors and crew stay. The film sight is right around the area so it's in perfect location. Tents make up the camp grounds, huge tents that each serve a purpose. Some smaller tents are set up for the stars such as Harry.

Harry leads me forward by my hand, tugging me towards where he claims my dad should be. My spare hand tugs down my tan rolled-up at the bottom short shorts and down at my plain white style shirt that's tied in the back. The safari hat is still placed loosely on the back of my head which I have tied up in a ponytail, strands hanging down in my face.

I finally spot him, sitting in a directors chair, reading over lines. Before I can stop myself I run up and place my hands over his eyes from behind.

"Guess who?" I say in a deep voice that I miserably fail to mimmick. He laughs, shooting vibrations through my hands.

"Hmmm. Lets see... could it be? My daughter?" He stands with a wide grin, "Taylor." He opens his arms which I accept his invitation for a hug.

"I've missed you so much." I mumble against his shirt. He holds my head so it stays against his chest softly. Never had I been a daddy's girl but right now, all I want to do is hug him.

"I missed you too, T." He replies, releasing me from the hug to which I back up to where Harry stands grinning in wait. "And this young man has definitely taken great care of me over here. I suppose y'all are well?"

I nod quickly which I notice Harrys doing the same. I lean my head against his shoulder. "Yeah, just trying to spend as much time together as we can." I smile up at him.

Dad just stares with a knowing grin, saying a quick dismissal and leaving us alone. I follow Harrys glance which travels from the tent entrance to my own lips. I shake my head and wave a finger warily at him. "Don't you even think about it."

"I never got to... explore the scenery of- um... Africa." He trails seductively, advancing toward me. If he kisses me, let alone touches me, I'll be nothing but an equal partner giving in. I can't allow myself to fall into that, not right now at least, definitely not here.

"Well- let's go check it out. Show me the set, I want to see the set." I stutter quickly, trying to walk past him without success as he steps in front of me each time. I sigh and cross my arms.

"Why not a different set?" He persists.

"Harry, stop itttt." I whine, unable to control the grin and stomping in a frustrated laugh.

He smirks, rolling his eyes. "Fine." He pouts, starting to walk away. I grab his forearm as he does, pulling him back slowly. I gently tiptoe up and lightly press my lips into his.

"Later," I whisper close to his ear, coming back down on my heel and patting his right shoulder with a grin. "Now cmon, lover boy. We got some explorin' to do!"


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