Chapter 28:

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FYI the last chapter will be 30!

Chapter 28

The past few weeks have been absolute havoc, between the movie and all the preps for it. It's good for this down time with Harry alone, especially for Christmas break. Just us two, Christmas Eve night, decorating and eating gingerbread.

I sit on the window-outing, watching him hang garland across the fireplace, his tall figure set in a dark blue Christmas sweater that has Rudolph sewn on the front. I stand and make my way over to him, setting the tray of gingerbread men on the coffee table. My arms wrap around his torso tightly, hugging him from behind and swaying us slightly.

"Aren't you a hard little worker."" I mumble against the knit shirt. He lowers his arms from the fireplace down to my hands, turning around to face me.

"Well, are you going to help me decorate the top of the tree or not, slacker!" He shouts at me, barreling into me, hoisting me over his shoulder. I pound his back in a deafening laughter as we both collapse onto the couch, almost smushed under Harry. He purposes lingers there, smirking down at me, his form shading everything except him. I try to calm my laughter without success, instead deciding on testing out a kiss. He pecks back, gently skimming my lips, grinning into it as we part, our eyes still closed.

I slide past him and stand, smirking down at him as he lies face down on the pillow facing the cushion. His boxers ride up from his sweatpants and his sweater is pulled up on his side showing skin. I roll my eyes, "Who's the slacker now?"

He groans and stands quickly, lifting me up on his shoulders as I place the star at the top. We wobble backwards, Harrys hands gripping my thighs steadily. The lights illuminate the whole tree and surrounding living room into complete beauty. Everything is perfect. Harry sets me down next to the fireplace, taking a frame from behind his back.

"I had this made... and I thought it would look good in our house together, it's my favorite picture of us." He says, handing me the picture frame. It's a picture I took of me sitting in Harrys lap, his lips and nose nuzzled into my neck, his eyes open and looking innocently at the camera, I'm smiling widely in it. It's an adorable picture, I love it so much.

I hug him to my chest, whispering continuous thank you's against him. He sighs, pulling me closer and enveloping his arms around me.

We sit on the couch, splurging on gingerbread men Harry had decorated after a very messy kitchen fight with the ingredients and watching Elf. The only light in the room comes from a few candles that serve as romantic factors, the tree, and the glow coming from the television. I lay on Harrys body, more centered on his left side, tilted to the right to see the tv over the fireplace. He plays with my hair self conciously as I do the same with his fingers, tracing over his tattoos on his arm.

"Harry?" I murmur.

"Hmm?" He rumbles.

"Merry Christmas." I whisper just as the clock echoes midnight throughout the house. He grins up at me, his opposing hand bringing up a rectangular velvet box.

"You should probably get one of your gifts early then, shouldn't you?" He whispers, popping the lid open to reveal a gorgeous pink Leo diamond necklace. It glows brighter in the colored lights, causing me to gasp. This must have cost him a paycheck, and his paychecks are more than my bank account. Scratch that, my whole life earnings.

"Harry, I can't accept this, this must have cost you a fortune!" I exclaim, sitting up and looking at him seriously but he does not waver. He rolls his eyes and latches on the necklace over his cross.

"It's nothing. I wanted to get you something and this fits you perfectly, just as stunning as you." He stares down at my chest where it rests in my crease. I blush as I feel his lingering stare on more than just my necklace. Before I can let it get too tension-filled, I bend over and grasp my nearby present for Harry.

"Since we're exchanging, open one of yours now." I smile, handing him the small wrapped box. He grins up at me and unwraps his gift, pulling out the metallic star necklace I had found. The back is engraved with our initials, linked by an infinity heart. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out.


"No no, sh. And when you have this on, you'll know that you're loved, and as long as you see the stars above, you'll know I'm here. I'll always be here and, God forbid, if I'm not, i'll always be in here." I tap his chest where his heart is, trying to pinpoint the words straight to it. "And I will always love you, Harry. For years and years to come."

As soon as my sobs break into my sentence, Harrys fingertips tug my lips into his, syncing together smoothly. We stay like that for awhile, pushing on eachother before I pull out slowly, smiling upwards and pointing at the ceiling.

"Your idea, I'm guessing?" I laugh at the mistletoe taped messily to the ceiling. I narrow my eyes closer, a yellow sticky note taped onto the mistletoe. I gasp and shake my head unbelievably. I read it over and over and again, staring at Harry in shock.

"Hey, so since we kissed... will you marry me again maybe?"

He kneels in front of the couch, his rosy cheeks dimpled and smiling from ear to ear. He holds another velvet box, this one with a diamond ring inside. No way.

"Taylor, you have no idea how nervous I am for this, and I had this really long speech written out but I lost it and- I forgot it so. But I know we are already technically married but I didn't know what love was before, and now that you've taught me how, I feel like its the strongest bond in the world. I've learned how truly and hopelessly in love I am with you. Before you I was hopeless, I had never learned or dreamed of commitment, but now that's all I want. I want to have a family with you and grow old, I want our marriage to be a real and powerful thing. I want to marry you, Taylor."

Tears blur my vision as everything hits home. My words stall in my throat, only a throatily uttered 'yes' and almost falling into his arms weakly. He hauls me up, my legs clinging around his upper torso, our lips desperately roaming eachothers. Too overjoyed to move, just intoxicated and totally-and hopelessly- in love.

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