Chapter 29:

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Chapter 29:

I awake early that morning, sliding out of Harrys arms gently, trying my best not to wake him. The tile is freezing, the morning air not wavering to stay outside. The whole house is pretty cold as it is. I find my warm socks and tie my robe around my body.

Another beautifully, sleepless night up with Harry, this time the night before Christmas.. except there was a lot of noise throughout the house rather than none.

I sit on the end of the bed restlessly, having mixed emotions whether to go downstairs or not. Before I can come to a conclusion, arms wrap around my waist, pulling me backwards onto the bed. I giggle softly, my head gently falling back facing Harry on the plush. He smiles warmly at me, pecking my lips.

"Good morning, beautiful." He says, his morning voice husky and serene. It's so calming like this, very attractive at the same time.

"Morning. Ready to open some presents?"

"Sure but didn't you give me your present last night... I'm not talking about the necklace." His eye catches the sunlight, winking. I roll my eyes and slap his shoulder teasingly, my cheeks tinting a light pink.

"Hmm, I don't know, I liked this gift better.." I grin, holding my hand that fits the ring up to the light.

"Are you saying you didn't like my other gift?" He whispers suggestively, his weight now on top of me. I raise my eyes brows and smirk.

"I didn't say anything.."

"But you were thinking it."

Our lips now a few inches apart.

"Mmm well I'm thinking a lot of things.." I murmur against his lips as he dips his mouth into mine. "And presents are basically all of them!" I sing right as I part from the kiss, standing in the doorway in just three strides.

He groans but doesn't waver his smile. "..basically?" he adds as he follows me. I stop him, toss him a pair of sweatpants from the dresser and smirk.

"Yeah, the other was 'put some pants on this naked idiot'." I smirk at him. He catches them and tugs them on with a chuckle.

"That's a pretty late reaction."

"What? I can't have a little eye candy?"

"Oooo, there's my fiesty Taylor." He chuckles, swiveling my hips quickly from behind, causing me to jump. I frown back at him.

"Oh shut up, will you?" I laugh, finally reaching the living room. Presents are stacked from every corner, nothing like the night before where only a few from just Harry and I sit. Instinctly, I look around for people joining us but of course, there are none. None until later when Gemma and Mr. Styles come over for Christmas Dinner. I stare with my mouth agape at Harry, my hand going to cover it.

"Harry, no way." I stumble over my words, walking forward to the piles of presents and shake my head. "Who are these for?"

"Guess." He hugs me around my shoulders from behind. I only bought him like 5 gifts and he goes out and has a freaking train load delivered for me. It must have been one awkward delivery, considering Harry was with me all yesterday and last night.

I turn and dart into his arms. "Harry, thank you so much.. but I can't accept this stuff. This is way too much of a hassle, we should just bring this to the shelter or something. I don't deserve it-" He places a finger to my mouth to get me to stop. I release and sigh, pushing closer into Harrys bare chest. How he's not cold is a mystery to me, his bare skin is warm to the touch.

"It's yours. I want you to have this stuff and that's final, now cmon!" He pulls me forward to the couch, gently picking up a small box with little holes poked in the sides of the wrapping. He hands it to me and I realize that it's moving.

I gasp as I open it, a small, grey fluffy kitten with a ribbon around its neck appears inside it, gazing up at me wide-eyed. I look from Harry to the kitten, picking it up in my arms. "Oh my god, Harry."

"Cute, right? Got her at a pet store up the street. You get to name her," He smiles lovingly at me, forcing a glance to the kitten. I cradle it, trying to fit a name for the tiny creature.

"Bella." I whisper, tapping on the ribbon that dings a bell connected to it. She lets out a small, squeaking meow in response which we both laugh at. "You like that, Bella? Hm?"

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