Staying Active

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Hello guys!! I have so much more time so I will be updating more!! xoxo

chapter three

David helped Jenna to his car. It was the start of homecoming week and today was the fourth day and also the day of the State soccer cup which Maywood High was allowed to participate in.

"David, I don't think my voice is strong enough to shout today." Jenna looked worried.

"What do you need a megaphone?" David chuckled as he expertly steered the car down the parking lot.

"No its just at the football game, my voice sounded hoarse after. I am worried." she wrinkled her forehead.

David got into a parking space and in his handsome soccer uniform helped Jenna onto her wheelchair. The crowd was already gathering and the cheerleaders were looking. for Jenna.

"There she is!" Aubrey shouted. The squad helped Jenna onto the field and David headed into the locker room. He gave his pep talk to the team.

"A cheerleader out there has cancer. She is risking it to stir the crowd. Don't  win just for her but for the pride of the Mustangs!" he pit his hand in. The team followed and exited the locker room.

Outside the crowd was wild, the cheer team doing different drills and cheers to get them pumped up. David smiled at the leader, Jenna who was smiling and cheerful. She waved and David turned back around to focus on the game.

"Okay Mustangs! Ready to beat the Dragons?" The team yelled Yes and they got to their positions. Jenna cheered a little louder and the whistle blew. David dribbled the ball and passed successfully to a teammate who passed it along. This was a tactic to get everyone involved.

Jenna raised her hand high and she and Aubrey raised their flyer. Jenna was a flyer but a temporary base due to her illness. The flyers held signs that spelled out MHS. The soccer team scored two points already but were fallen behind when the Dragons scored three. Jenna bit her lip and thought hard. She hatched up a brilliant idea. She got the entire student body standing up and holding their own pom poms and cheering. But that wasn't all. She asked some volunteers to go to the press box and say what they liked about Mustangs in general.

During halftime the team was losing 4-2.

"Look do you hear the students announcing what they like about us?" one person discovered. David listened and heard Mr. Spangler's familiar tone.

"I like the Mustangs because they are prideful, smart students and unique. I hope they will bring back the state cup for us to admire. Go Mustangs!" Every one cheered. Jenna smiled and shook her pom poms. The team got back on the field. They played harder and it paid off. They scored goal after goal.

After the game the Mustangs won 7-4 and they brought back the state cup. The crowd cheered and the Dragons ripped off their shin guards in anger.

"You did great David!" Jenna hugged him from behind. He was sweaty but Jenna didn't mind. David noticed something.

"Jen, where's your wheelchair?" David asked. Jenna just stared happily and he guessed.

"I didn't need it anymore! I am much better! I can walk now!" she giggled happily. David melted. Ever since Jenna got diagnosed she was glum and dull. Her old sparkle was back and she was as healthy as ever. He did it. He cured her.

Jenna's parents were gleeful. They hugged both David and Jenna. Homecoming was tomorrow and Jenna needed to choose her dress.

"I got your dress already." David pulled out a light blue dress that was thigh length. She looked at it and smiled.

"Its perfect." she whispered.

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