The Playground

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"So where exactly are we going?" I asked as all three of us made our way down the street.

"I don't know." Alistar shrugged.

"Do you see why I call you an idiot?" Sasha exclaimed, "I have the perfect idea."

Sasha's perfect idea was to head to the playground nearby because where else would you go to have fun at eleven o'clock at night.

Sasha called up Trey as we walked down the street to the park.

"Hey, sorry for calling so late but Alistar was being an idiot and wanted to go somewhere," Sasha said into the phone.

"And what does that have to do with calling me?" Trey replied.

"Well, Sage is with us and Alistar, finally, asked her out so I didn't want to be a third wheel so you need to come too." Then she added, "Please."

"Where are you guys going?"

"The playground." Trey laughed.

"I'll be there."

"Thanks, see you then."

"Trey's coming," Sasha announced as she hung up her cell phone.

"The more the merrier," I replied.

We continued walking down the street light lit road until we came up to the local playground.

"Oo, oo, I'm going on the slide," Sasha exclaimed running onto the play set to get to the large metal slide.

Alistar and I laughed. "You know we're not five anymore." Sasha turned around at the top of the slide and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Hey," I shouted, sticking my tongue out at her. Then I ran up to the slide as she slid down it. I sat down at the top of it and pushed myself down. I slid all the way to the bottom, where I stumbled as the slide came to the end.

Alistar stood at the bottom and caught me as I stumbled.

"You always were bad at coming down slides," he mumbled.

"What?" How would he know I always had bad landings going down a slide?


"Come on," I grabbed his arm and pulled him up to the top of the slide where Sasha had already slid down.

I gave him a push toward it.

"It's your turn," I said to him.

"I'm not going down the slide," he protested.

"You're going down or I'm going to push you down," I stated.

"Oh yeah," he challenged.


"Let's see you try then." Just as I was about to push him he grabbed me around the waist and the next thing I know we're going down the slide. It's impossible when you're sliding down with two people for each of you to land on your feet at the end of a slide, so we ended up on our asses in the wood chips.

"Nice going." I turned around to look at Alistar.

"You were going to push me. Last time I checked pushing some one down a slide is not very nice. I think you deserved it."

I scoffed. "Fine, race you to the monkey bars." With that said I sprinted off to the monkey bars. Once he realized what I had said he was quickly up off the ground and gaining speed towards me. Just as I was about to touch them, his hand reached them first.

"No fair," I pouted.

"No fair? You got a head start and I still beat you. In your face," he gloated.

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