The Dream

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Alistar walked close by me making sure I didn’t fall because of my tiredness. We got upstairs just fine.

“See you in the morning,” I said when we reached Sasha’s door.

“See you.” He leaned in to give me a kiss it was just a quick goodnight kiss. Once he pulled away I smiled and he walked off to his room. I went inside Sasha’s room and waited for her to come in. My eyes kept drooping and I was almost asleep when she came through the door.

“You and Trey?” I questioned too tired to ask the full question.

“We’re good. We just have to adjust some more to the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing,” she explained.

I nodded slightly more awake. “Yeah. Alistar and I haven’t even been on our first real date yet. This was kind of the second unofficial date.”

“I’m really glad that you too finally wised up.” She smiled.

“Yeah and we kind of owe it to you.”

“Alistar was being a big chicken so I just gave him a little push.” She shrugged like it was no big deal.


“No problem.” After that we turned off the lights and went to bed. I was out pretty quickly.


~~A little five year old Sage was making her way to the very top of the slide. She sat down at the top and pushed herself down. By the time she reached the end she had fallen onto her sixteen year old butt. She pouted as she got up and brushed her butt off. She heard laughter from nearby. When she looked up she saw Alistar standing a couple inches taller than her laughing at her.

“You were always bad at coming down slides,” Alistar said before he morphed and shrank. Suddenly he was as small as a five year old, his messy black hair and brown eyes staring Sage right in the eyes.

“Tag, yoor it!” Five year old Sage tagged a five year old Alistar. She quickly ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Alistar was quick to catch on as he propelled himself after her. She weaved through the swings as Alistar was right on her heels. She ran right past a tree where a little blonde boy stood at watching her ran away from Alistar. The next time she looked back to see how far Alistar was, she found that he was no longer there but that the blonde boy had taken his place. She wasn’t looking where she was going as she stumbled on a tree root that was slightly sticking up from the ground. The blonde boy, who had caught up and was right on her behind, couldn’t respond quick enough and he too fell and landed on top of her. He quickly got off of her.

They both sat on the soft green grass looking at each other. Her eyes met his brown eyes, they sparkled with amusement and something else. They looked so familiar to her, she couldn’t help but stare longer. The boy smiled an adorable, cute five year old smile before he vanished into thin air.~~


I woke up in Sasha’s room alone, the sun shining through the window. I got up to make my way downstairs where I believed Sasha was. I vaguely remembered having a dream, something about being on a playground with Alistar. I can’t remember ever seeing Alistar as a child, but I was pretty sure that he looked a like he had in my dream. I also remembered someone else. I couldn’t put my finger on it quite yet. I was walking down the stairs when I remembered blonde hair and brown eyes but as soon as the thought came Sasha greeted me and it slipped entirely from my mind.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. I decided to be nice and let you sleep in.” I smiled at Sasha.

“Thanks, that was so nice of you,” I joked.

I made my way into the kitchen to pour myself a bowl of cereal. Then I made my way to the table and took a seat. Sasha sat beside me. Sasha’s mom came rushing down the stairs, she glided through the kitchen and over to the coffee machine. She poured herself a cup of coffee and quickly gulped it down before depositing her cup in the sink. I watched her hurry as I slowly ate my cereal.

“Hi, Sage.” She greeted as she passed by the table.

“Hi,” I replied. She directed her attention to Sasha.

“I’m leaving now, be good. We probably won’t be home until later.” Then with a quick goodbye she was out the door.

“What was that about?” I questioned as I raised the spoon to my mouth.

“My parents are doing something together. I’m not exactly sure where their going. They’ve been going every weekend though.” Sasha shrugged.

“They’re probably going to a motel or something.” Alistar had entered the kitchen then. “Having a little fun away from the kids. Adults do that sort of thing.” He smirked down at us.

“That’s disgusting, Alistar, that’s my mom you’re talking about. Now I’ll never get that out of my mind.” Sasha shook her head as if that would help get the thought out of her head.

I’d finished my cereal so I drained the left over milk and placed it in the sink beside the mug. I turned around to head back to the table but I ran into a chest instead. Alistar was right in front of me trapping me between the sink and himself.

“We’re still going on a date, right?”

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“Is Friday good, say six o’clock?” His hands were placed onto my waist, holding me.

“Friday at six it is.” Then he leaned down and captured his lips with mine before pulling away and letting me go.

“Wasn’t that just a cute little moment?” Sasha commented which cause my cheeks to catch on fire. Alistar gave a chuckle before heading back upstairs to his room to do who knows what. Sasha and I ended up in the living room watching pointless TV for the rest of the day before I went home.

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