How to ask someone out

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“Let’s watch a movie,” Sasha said when we put our stuff from the mall away.

“I’m going over to Trey’s house. See you guys later.” Alistar went back out to his car and headed over to his best friend, Trey’s, house.

“I can’t believe you,” I said as I looked over at Sasha, who had gone all starry eyed.

“What?” Sasha asked snapping out of it.

“Now somebody can’t even mention his name without you going all gaga. When are you and Trey ever going to get together?”

“About the same time you and Alistar will ever get together. Besides I can’t go out with Trey, he’s Alistar’s best friend.”

“So what? It’s like you said to me there might be a rule about dating your brother’s best friend but there’s no rule about dating your step-brother’s best friend right? And even if there was, you and Trey were made for each other; it’s almost kind of freaky.”

 Trey and Sasha have been friends for awhile since she came here the only problem with that was that he was already best friends with Alistar. Sasha and Trey flirt ever time their in the same room; it amazes me how their still not together. She has a problem being with him because he’s Ali’s friend but she has no problem flirting with him. Their the kind of people that can just read each other’s mind and knows exactly what the other is thinking.

“Why do guys have to be so complicated? They can’t just ask us out already,” Sasha complained while starting the movie.

“I know.”

“So you want Alistar to ask you out?” Sasha asked.

“Well, yeah, I mean don’t you want Trey to ask you out?”

“Of course. So if they aren’t going to ask us out why don’t we ask them out?”

“Because what if he says no.” I was not going to get rejected and be afraid to show my face in front of Alistar again.

“Then you move on. Let’s make a deal the next time you see Alistar you ask him out and the next time I see Trey I’ll ask him out.”

“I don’t know,” I replied reluctantly.

“Come on Sage don’t be such a coward,” Sasha begged.

“Alright. You have to ask Trey before I ask Ali. After you ask Trey and if and only if he says yes, which I’m sure he will, then I’ll ask Alistar. Okay?”

“Deal.” The movie had begun and we watched and enjoyed it. When the credits were rolling Alistar came back with Trey.

I nudged Sasha and whispered, “Here’s your chance.”

“Hey, Trey,” Sasha greeted.

“Hey, Sash.” Trey plopped down on the couch beside her slinging his arm behind her. “How’s my favorite person in the world?”

“How would I know how you are?” Sasha said smiling up at him.

“Very funny. I was talking about you. I don’t have that big of an ego.”

“I’m great and you do have that big of an ego, just like Ali. Which reminds me, Alistar could go get me a drink from the kitchen?” Sasha asked.

“Why don’t you ask Trey to? I’m sure he’d love to get one for you,” Alistar asked.

“Because I asked you to now go.” Sasha shooed him away. As he started to leave, I followed to give Sash some time to talk to Trey and ask him out.

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